80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 1868: poor father

After a few days of classes, Meimei still lived at home and only slept in the dormitory for a while at noon. Xu Zixuan never came to school, and she couldn't see her. According to the school's regulations, if she was absent from school for a week, she would be regarded as an automatic dropout. ~~щww~suimеng~lā

"It's been four days, Xu Zixuan really doesn't want to go to school!" Qi Qige said worriedly.

Ren Qianqian put a piece of braised pork in her mouth and ate it deliciously. She should eat whatever she wanted, and she should not treat her mouth badly. People take food as their heaven!

She used to be so stupid, what kind of grass to eat!

If you can't lose weight, you will suffer!

"You don't care if they drop out of school or not, eat your meal." Ren Qianqian ate another piece of braised pork, moved her rice bowl, and urged her to eat.

Qi Qi sighed sadly and said nothing.

On the sixth day, Xu Zixuan still didn't come to school, but her father came in a hurry. He was cluttered and clean and cold, looking very anxious.

When Father Xu came, Xu Zixuan was still not at the school. He went directly to the teaching office of the school and got the withdrawal report written by Xu Zixuan, his eyes were red with anger.

It turned out that the dean of education called Dad Xu. She really didn't want to see a good seedling ruined like this.

When Dad Xu received the call, he couldn't believe his ears. The daughter he was proud of since childhood, the baby who never let him worry about studying, is now going to drop out?

This is like a bolt from the blue. The poor father almost didn't pass. The school was the busiest during the school year, but he still obliged to ask for leave to come.

He doesn't believe that his carefully nurtured daughter will voluntarily drop out of school. There must be other reasons!

But when he saw Xu Zixuan's handwritten dropout report, the man couldn't hold back his anger any longer. The veins on his forehead bulged and his face turned purple. The dean was very worried that he would get angry and persuaded him again and again. , but with little success.

"Where is Xu Zixuan? I'll find her!"

"Student Xu has not come to school for six consecutive days. According to the school rules, if you do not come to school for seven consecutive days, you will automatically drop out of school. Dad Xu, please persuade your daughter not to treat the future as a child's play!" The dean said earnestly. ..

Dad Xu bowed to the dean, took the dropout report and went to Meimei's dormitory. Everyone was resting in the dormitory at noon, and heard the announcement on the radio that someone went upstairs to look for them, and soon Meimei and the others went to bed. I met Xu's father.

"Do you know where Xu Zixuan is?"

Xu's father asked when he saw them~www.readwn.com~ looked haggard, his lips were dry and peeled, his hair was messy, and there was a sour smell of sweat on his body. He thought that this father should have rushed over after getting off the train, and even drooled. Didn't have time to drink.

This is indeed the case. Xu Zixuan's hometown is coming to Kyoto for three days and three nights by train. Xu's father eats steamed buns on the train for three days and then boils water. cigarette.

But he didn't have the heart to look for water to drink. Now he just wanted to find his daughter and ask her why.

Tang Manli and Qiu Anna covered their noses in disgust, and Qiu Anna whispered softly, "It smells so bad..."

Dad Xu took a few steps back in embarrassment, feeling a little overwhelmed. He didn't take a bath for three days and three nights, and he was sweating again, and the smell on his body was really strong.

Ren Qianqian glared at Qiu Anna and the others, and scolded: "You **** and pee are fragrant? You just farted, and I didn't say anything about you!"

Qiu Anna's face changed slightly, and she wanted to reply a few words, but she was afraid of her brows, so she closed her mouth angrily, and secretly cursed Ren Qianqian as a fat pig, and she would never be able to marry her for the rest of her life.

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