80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 1872: After the fact, Zhuge Liang

After eating cucumber milk all night, Meimei was naturally late for school, so she didn't bother to go to school, she stayed in bed to make up for her sleep, and slept until lunch before she went to school. [WWw.SuiMеng.lā

"Xu Zixuan is going to the hospital now." Qiqige told her.

"Where did you find her?" Meimei was very curious.

"Qianqian went to Teacher Jiang and asked Teacher Jiang to inform Xu Zixuan." Qiqi looked at Ren Qianqian with admiration, her brain was so bright, she couldn't think of such a good solution.

Ren Qianqian raised her chin awkwardly. Although she had a lot of fat on her body, her brain couldn't be brighter. Or was she the only one who thought of finding Xu Zixuan's concubine?

Meimei couldn't see her frivolity, and said coolly, "Why didn't you remember yesterday? Zhuge Liang afterwards..."

Ren Qianqian:...I really want to pinch someone to death...I dare not!

Now that their daughter has been found, Meimei and the others will naturally not be involved in other people's housework, nor do they expect Xu Zixuan's gratitude. As for the 800 yuan hospitalization fee they paid yesterday, they are too lazy to ask for it. Anyway, the three of them are not bad. money.

The next few days were quiet as chickens.

Xu Zixuan still didn't come to school. It had been more than seven days. She was expelled of course. Even if Jiang Zhiru pleaded for her, it was useless. The school didn't buy his face at all.

Jiang Zhiru is still the head teacher of Meimei and their classmates, but it's only a summer vacation. This handsome and young teacher Jiang has grown old by a dozen years, and has a lot of gray hair on his temples. He is haggard. not good.

But no sympathy at all!


Jiang Zhiru has been very busy recently, and there are constant emergencies at the gallery. The money from the Hong Kong auction collection was quickly filled in, and he didn't even see a drop in the water. He couldn't even buy a plane ticket to Hong Kong. He could only ask a friend to resell his collection at a low price. Before he knew it, most of his cherished collections went away.

Here, he also has to coax Xu Zixuan, who is an angel and a little temperament, so that she doesn't always think about getting married and goes to school. The cute and sweet little girlfriend in the past makes him feel tired now.

In addition, he had to deal with the ridicule and pressure of his parents and brothers. His parents even released harsh words, if he married Xu Zixuan, they would cut off the relationship with him in the newspaper.

In the past, Jiang Zhiru would definitely not have cared about these threats. He had never tasted the variety of things in the world, ups and downs, but now—

It was only then that he realized that everything he once thought was achieved by his own efforts was actually because he belonged to the Jiang family, not because of his talent, and even a friend said it more sharply:

Every year, countless talents come to Kyoto to find a way out. They are smarter than you, hard-working, and dozens of times stronger than you... Why did they give you the opportunity?

When people reach forty~www.readwn.com~ Jiang Zhiru suddenly understands the true meaning of life.

Jiang Zhiru took time to find Meimei and the others, and returned the 800 yuan to them, "Thank you for taking Father Zixuan to the hospital."

Ren Qianqian took the money quickly and said with a smile, "Mr. Jiang is too polite, how is Uncle Xu?"

"Recovering well, he has been transferred to the general ward, Zixuan is taking care of him." Jiang Zhiru also smiled, but the smile was a bit more bitter.

He blamed himself very much. It was because of him that Father Xu had a stroke. But he really didn't know about Xu Zixuan dropping out of school. He was so busy these days that he didn't know that Xu Zixuan was hiding it from him until Ren Qianqian found him. After such a big thing, I wanted to make up for it, but I was powerless.

And Xu's father's hospital bills are not small. He has no money, and his parents and brothers ignore him. He has no choice but to find his ex-wife. To his surprise, his ex-wife happily gave him money, making him feel guilty for his ex-wife. Yu, a little more grateful.

Qiqige felt very guilty towards Xu's father, and wanted to go to the hospital to see him, Meimei and Ren Qianqian also prepared to go together, but before they could leave, Xu Zixuan came over murderously.

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