80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 1905: i am a fairy

Meimei was worried that Yan Mingshun was for her TV series, so she agreed to return the account book to Wu Yue. If this is the reason, then she would rather not shoot the ugly princess, and must not affect Yan Mingshun's work. *WwW.suimeng.lā

"Stupid... I just returned the fake account book to Wu Yue. I should calm Wu Yue first, so as not to disturb Ning Chenxuan."

Ning Chenxuan, the old fox, didn't know about the foundation's account being checked by him, and Wu Yue was worried that she would be scolded.

Therefore, he had to appease Wu Yue first, and it was not appropriate to disturb Ning Chenxuan now, lest he would startle the snake.

When she heard that it wasn't because of her TV series, Meimei breathed a sigh of relief, but she was still worried, "Will Wu Yue see that the account book is fake?"

Yan Mingshun glanced at her angrily and pinched her cheek lightly, "You're stupid and don't admit it. If it's so easy for Wu Yue to see the truth or the fake, I'll keep those people working under my command?"

Meimei opened her mouth and bit his fingers. Today she has already said twice that she is stupid and hates her!

She herself can say she is stupid, that is humility!

But others can't, that's contempt!

Yan Mingshun can't either, doesn't she want to be proud of herself?

"I'm not stupid. I'm called Dazhiruoyu. If I don't pretend to be stupid, how can I show your wisdom and wisdom... I'll kill you!"

Meimei was lying on Yan Mingshun's body and biting like a dog, Yan Mingshun didn't dodge, just let her make trouble, it was like scratching anyway, he enjoyed it!

"Are you sure you're a wise man? Why do I think you're a wise man? You seem to be quite clever..." Yan Mingshun laughed and joked.

Meimei was stunned for a while, and it took a while to understand what this guy meant, that is to say, she was an embroidered pillow with a bright surface, but there was actually a pile of bran in her stomach... She was contemptuously despised!

Uncle can endure, aunt can't bear it!

"Hate...you can only call me cute, smart, beautiful, and a little fairy..."

Meimei bit Yan Mingshun's ear and yelled in his ear, saliva sprayed on his face.

In the kitchen, Uncle Lao and Aunt Fang have been laughing until their stomach cramps. The relationship between Ming Shao and the young lady is really getting better and better. It's really just like what the playbook said, only envious of mandarin ducks and not immortals!

Wu Yue was in a hurry to get the account book, and after hanging up the phone with Meimei, she called Ouyang Xiangming and asked him to give the green light to the TV series as soon as possible. .

Zhao Xueer received a call from the gd bureau and excitedly ran to apply for the certificate. Before, everyone was as cold as frost and dragged like an uncle. Now he is as enthusiastic as the spring breeze in March.

"Meimei, the license is done~www.readwn.com~ It's still your ability, the opening ceremony will be held three days later, will you come by then?" Zhao Xueer was so excited, it was like a chicken blood.

"Let's see then."

Meimei didn't expect Wu Yue's movements to be so fast, but it also shows how anxious this **** is, hum!

She was not in a hurry at all, she just left this bitch!

Wu Yue originally thought that the Meimei filming license was in hand, and she would take the initiative to send the account book over, but after waiting for most of the day, she couldn't wait for Meimei's call. She couldn't sit still and called in a hurry.

"Miss Zhao, I have already completed the filming permit as agreed. Where's your account book? Miss Zhao doesn't want to break the contract, right?" Wu Yue's tone was not very good.

"Oh, Ouyang Shanshan, you're so fast, I thought it would take me a month and a half. I called and asked my third brother, as long as it's done, I'll definitely return the account book to me, I'm not Some unbelievable little people!"

Meimei exaggerated a few words, hung up the phone again, ate a few butter cookies baked by Aunt Lao, and drank a cup of hot milk tea before calling slowly.

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