80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 1909: boot

The opening ceremony of the ugly princess was successfully held, and Meimei was going to join, Wu Chao and Xiong Mumu also went, and the theme songs and episodes of this TV series, Meimei, were all written by Xiong Mumu, I believe she would not be disappointed. *WwW.suimeng.lā

The promotional poster was drawn by Meimei herself, and it was also a comic version, but it was very beautifully drawn. Not only young audiences liked it, but even older audiences were attracted to it, and the girl's heart swelled rapidly.

In addition to the guest lineup, the most eye-catching is the powerful male lead. Zhao Xueer never revealed that Han Zijun was the male lead when he was promoting. He only said that he would not disappoint everyone, which sold a great deal.

It was not until the day before the opening ceremony that Zhao Xueer hyped up the male lead, and the whole country was boiling.

No one would have thought that Han Zijun, who has always only made big movies, would actually condescend to make small TV shows?

Indeed a great surprise!

Because of these hype, the Ugly Princess has already been hyped up before the filming starts. People all over the country are waiting for the filming of this TV series to finish. They must see the live-action version of the Ugly Princess!

Hope they don't disappoint!

In order to film the ugly princess, Zhou Xing’er had already moved to the crew ahead of time, and her notebook was densely packed. According to Jiang Xinmei, this girl had already gone crazy, but the effect was really remarkable, even Meimei felt as if Zhou Xing’er was There is no difference between her ugly princesses.

In fact, this is the biggest surprise that Meimei received.

Han Zijun has rich acting experience, she is not worried, now that Zhou Xinger has also entered a perfect state, she can already foresee the success of this TV series!

Time flies, it has been almost a month since the filming of the Ugly Princess, the weather is getting colder and colder, and the third snow has fallen in Kyoto. This day, the snow is flying like goose feathers, and silver quilts are covered everywhere.

It snowed heavily all night, and it finally stopped in the morning, but the snow on the street was more than a foot thick, and it was soft and soft.

It was as warm as spring in the house, so you only needed to wear a single coat. There were a few important classes today, so it was not easy to skip classes, so Meimei woke up early and prepared to go to school.

"Wait a while to go later. The snow on the road has not been shoveled yet, so it's not easy to drive."

Yan Mingshun smeared the bread with beef sauce, sandwiched a piece of fragrantly fried bacon and poached egg, and put a few slices of lettuce, and a delicious sandwich was created.

"No lettuce, it smells of grass."

Dissatisfied, Meimei picked out the lettuce in the bread. The most annoying thing was eating the lettuce leaves, which felt like a sheep eating grass.

Yan Mingshun didn't say anything~www.readwn.com~ just looked at her lightly...

five four three two one……

"But as long as it's a sandwich made by Brother Ming Shun, even the annoying lettuce is delicious..."

Meimei succumbed to someone's lewdness -- Wei, obediently stuffed the lettuce into his mouth, his face wrinkled, he devoured the two pieces of lettuce as if he was going to die, swallowed it in one gulp, and then took a bite of the sandwich. Just a little more comfortable.

The corners of Yan Mingshun's lips were slightly raised, and there was a smile in his eyes. Recently, he discovered that instead of grinding his lips with the goblin, he might as well give her a look and let her experience it for herself.

The effect is often unusually good!

The snow plows on the street were busy working. When everyone was ready to go to work, the snow on the street had been shoveled clean, and soon the traffic was full of traffic, and people started a busy day against the cold wind.

Wrapped in a knee-length white padded jacket, Xu Zixuan walked on the road with her hair disheveled. Her calf was actually bare, and she was wearing slippers and only a pair of socks on her feet. She was lost.

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