80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 1912: someone jumped off the building

"What happened?" Ren Qianqian looked up curiously, but she couldn't see clearly without her glasses. *WwW.suimeng.lā

Qi Qi smiled and joked, "Could it be an alien flying saucer?"

The three of them were still some distance away from the library, the sky was still foggy and they couldn't see clearly, they didn't take it seriously, they thought it was people's herd mentality.

For example, if you stand on the street and look up intently at the sky, and if anyone asks you, pretend to be inscrutable and don’t say a word, you will find that within an hour, you will be surrounded by people around you. The last bunch of people watching the sky with you, even though they don't know what they're looking at.

Meimei and the others thought that was the case. There were often people on college campuses who liked to make jokes like this, and they never tire of it, but there were always people who were fooled.

It was only when they approached that they realized that they wanted to go wrong.

"Call the fire brigade and let them come to the rescue!"

"It's already been beaten, I think we'd better go get a quilt and put it on!"

"Yes, yes, go find the quilt!"

"Who is this woman? Why can't you think about it?"

"I don't know. It seems that a teacher has gone up. I don't know if I can persuade her to change her mind?"


The onlookers were whispering, and some enthusiastic classmates were running around, making phone calls, looking for quilts... They were very busy!

"Oh...how is it Xu Zixuan? Isn't she in the hospital?" Qiqi's eyes were good, and he could see clearly at a glance that the woman standing on the shaky floor was exactly Xu Zixuan who was taken to the hospital by Meimei.

Meimei hurriedly narrowed her eyes to see that the snow at the school hadn't had time to shovel clean. The snow light made her eyes uncomfortable, but she could see clearly. It was Xu Zixuan, who was still dressed in the morning, standing on the edge of the roof. , looking at it makes people panic.


Meimei just wants to scold her mother now!

What she hates most is people who don't cherish her own life. She fell downstairs and died tragically because she was killed by Wu Yue in her previous life. She couldn't even think about that kind of pain.

This Xu Zixuan's mother's brain is really let the donkey day!

"What do I do now? This is a seven-story building. What if I fall down?" Qi Qi was so frightened that he turned around, like a headless fly.

When the classmates next to them saw that they knew Xu Zixuan, they wentssip and inquired about them. Ren Qianqian yelled at her angrily: "Are you crazy about your mother? People are dying, can you shut up my mother?"

The gossip girl was sprayed with saliva, and hid to the side angrily. A good girl doesn't fight with the bandits~www.readwn.com~ If she can't be provoked, she hides!

Another male student wearing glasses looked like a science and engineering male tyrant, and said kindly: "Don't worry too much, the snow on the ground is at least one foot five inches thick, which is equivalent to a natural quilt. According to the acceleration of gravity and gravity, Plus its own weight..."

Ren Qianqian interrupted impatiently, "Will you fall to your death?"

"I estimate that there is a 50% or more chance of surviving, but if you put on a quilt, the chance will be higher..."

"You can live 100% without jumping off!"

The mother talked for a long time as if she didn't say anything, wasting their time. Ren Qianqian was so angry that she spit on the science and engineering tyrant's face again, and the tyrant also hid to the side angrily.

The gulf between the tyrants and the scumbags was at least two meters wide, and he couldn't afford it.


Meimei grabbed Ren Qianqian and Qiqi, who were anxious, "Don't worry, the fire brigade should be here soon. I'll go up and talk to Xu Zixuan first, and delay the time."

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