80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 191: A unique voice

Today's father-in-law Sun got up a little late. It was not until Wu Yue walked to the gate of No. 1 Middle School that he slowly rose. The brilliant golden light shone on the earth and his people, including Wu Yue.

A light wind blew, and a group of energetic students covered their noses one after another, looked at Wu Yue, who was completely unknown, and avoided her without a trace.

Naturally, Xiong Mumu also smelled the ecstasy scent. He covered his nose exaggeratedly and said strangely, "It seems that your sister's body odor is still intermittent, and it will come out every few days."

Wu Mei snorted smugly, she is the clockwork, she wants Wu Yue to attack whenever she wants, but this can't be said to Xiong Mumu, let him think Wu Yue is body odor.

Seeing the familiar eyes and movements of those people, Wu Yue's heart sank suddenly, could it be...

"Brother Mingda, do I smell anything?" Wu Yue asked anxiously.

Yan Mingda rubbed the back of his head honestly and said with a smile, "It's fragrant, and Yueyue must be fragrant."

The pedestrian's side glances made Wu Yue more sensitive, and her heart sank to the bottom. You don't need to ask her to know what happened. It must be that her hair smells weird again. What's going on?

When I wake up tomorrow morning, there is no smell at all!

Why is it there as soon as you go out?

Wu Yue is about to cry. At this moment, she just wants to turn around and go home and never go to school again, but she can't. Today and tomorrow are both monthly exams. How can she miss the exam?

She still has to take the first place in the school!

Wu Yue was in a hurry and ran to the reception room of No. 1 Middle School. There was a tap there. She rinsed it off with water, and it must have no smell. stand up.

"Yueyue, you're crazy, be careful of catching a cold!" Yan Mingda wanted to stop her.

"Don't mind me, I want to wash my hair."

Wu Yueli ignored him and couldn't find shampoo anywhere. She simply poured a handful of washing powder and rubbed it. The washing powder solution seeped into her eyes, like lime water, and stabbed her eyes with burning pain.

Wu Mei quietly admired Wu Yue's embarrassed appearance. The three hundred and sixty pores on his body felt comfortable. He turned around and said to Xiong Mumu, "Let's go!"

She pedaled the bike quickly, humming a song:

"Following the familiar path of the campus, I came to study under the tree in the early morning, the rising sun shone on my face, and also on that annoying guy, oh oh oh..."

Xiong Mumu couldn't help laughing while listening to this nondescript song~www.readwn.com~, but Wu Mei's voice was still very good, very sweet and soft, a bit like Teresa Teng's voice, and couldn't help but move. ..

"Can you sing "Sweet Honey"?"

"Of course, I can sing Teng Lijun's songs, you listen to me sing to you!"

Wu Mei was in a very good mood. After clearing her throat, she began to hum. In her previous life, she stayed at home to cook, write, write, paint, or sing.

Xiong Mumu listened to Wu Mei's humming for a while, and her voice was indeed very sweet, but Wu Mei had not learned professional vocal skills, and some ventilation areas had not been handled properly, which sounded a bit stiff. What made Xiong Mumu's heart move was Wu Mei's voice. It was so sweet it gave him goosebumps.

With such a unique voice, if you train hard, you can become popular just by singing a saliva song!

Now there are quite a few singers outside who cover Teresa Teng, but they are not even authentic! Eight zero sweet wife

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