80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 1928: Zhao Mei is a small 3

38 computers were all snatched up by other students, and the rest were 28, and the one with eyebrows was 28. The response was extremely slow, and the cursor flickered on the screen for several minutes, which was slower than a turtle crawling. *WwW.suimeng.lā

When Meimei's last patience was exhausted, the computer finally started up. Ren Qianqian taught her to enter the campus forum. Just after entering, Meimei saw a beautiful photo. She and Yan Mingshun were hugging tightly and lovingly. kiss.

In good conscience, this photo is really good, no matter the angle or light and shadow, it is impeccable, it can be used as a magazine cover photo.

The person who posted this photo is a student of Kyoto University. It is said to be the vice president of the Photography Association. The exact name is unknown. The online nickname is Cang Haiyi.

His works have won many awards all over the country, and he is also well-known in the photography circle of Kyoto. He is a frequent visitor to the school forum, because he will put his satisfactory works in the forum from time to time, and let the teachers and students of the school comment.

Moreover, most of his works are shot on the campus of Kyoto University, as well as the city's street scenes, which are familiar scenes to everyone, but under his lens, the scenery that usually looks ordinary, under his lens, it is so beautiful and special. , seems to have grown taller all of a sudden.

This classmate named Cang Haiyi also participated in the Christmas carnival last night. His purpose was naturally to take pictures. He thought there was no surprise, but he found the pair of Meimei and Yan Mingshun. He was overjoyed and took a good picture. A few, and washed them out overnight, picked out the most satisfying one, and put it on the school forum.

Kiss of the Century - ..

This is the name that Cang Haiyi took for this photo, and it has been liked by many students, saying that this name is good, isn't it the kiss at the end of the century?

Although the atmosphere of the 1990s has been opened up a lot, it is still quite conservative. It is no problem to hold hands and hug shoulders in public, which is not a small improvement. people dare to do so.

I'm afraid that if you kiss on the front foot, a bunch of so-called Taoist priests will jump out on the back foot, accusing you of immorality, men are hooligans, women are sluts, anyway, there are a lot of nasty things waiting for you!

Contrary to the conservativeness of the outside world, college campuses are open and hot.

These lovely college students strive to fight against the conservative and outdated social atmosphere.

This photo of Meimei and theirs has attracted nearly a thousand likes, and there are many replies.

"It's beautiful and romantic. It is suggested that the school use this photo as a poster for next year's admissions. I believe there will be many younger brothers and sisters who will work hard and strive to be higher."

"Yes~www.readwn.com~ It is said that there are no beauties in our Kyoto University, so let them see the beauty of our school's school flower. There is no one before, no one since..."

"School beauty is not only beautiful, but also versatile. What kind of man can match? So... Does anyone know who this man is?"

"I know that this man is the school flower's fiancé, but it's very mysterious. This is the first time he has appeared!"

"School Flower's fiancé is insane, and it's still my favorite one. It's cold and affectionate, like Hades the Hades... My favorite man..."

"It really looks like Hades, the school flower is so happy, she made me believe in love again!"


Most of the replies were compliments and envy words. I read them one by one, and I was amused. The anger that was taken because of the photos was dissipated a lot, but—

"You guys are so naive, Zhao Mei doesn't have a fiancé at all, this man is a married man, Zhao Mei is his lover, he's nothing more than a shameless mistress!"

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