80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 194: dig a hole

Zhen Wanwan's father had no official job at all, and was a gambler, relying on her mother to sell breakfast in the alley to support the family. The family of six huddled in a small house of less than 15 square meters. There is no place to turn.

She had been to Zhen Wanwan's house once in her previous life, it was small, dark and messy, no different from a pigeon cage, and Zhen Wanwan had three older brothers, and she didn't know how they lived when they were adults.

Zhen Wanwan's expression changed suddenly. She never talked about the situation at home with her classmates before, and she never brought her classmates to play at home. No one in the class knew her real family background.

"My father is an ordinary worker. He is so busy every day that he has no time to help me with my homework." Zhen Wanwan smiled reluctantly.

"The working class is the greatest, Zhen Wanwan, your father is really amazing." Wu Mei praised her intentionally, looking at Zhen Wanwan's increasingly reluctant smile, she felt extremely happy.

If you tell a lie, you have to think about countless lies to make it true, and see how you, Zhen Wanwan, will make it true in the future!

Wu Mei dug a hole for Zhen Wanwan, and the smart girl jumped in willingly. The hypocritical, inferior and bad-hearted person deserved to be calculated by her.

Finally, when the school bell rang, Wu Mei picked up her schoolbag and rushed out. Wu Chao chased after him hard. This time, she couldn't let the dead girl run away.

"Where are you going, Wu Chao?"

Ji Wenhui from the next class also chased after her. She is in the fifth (second) class and usually has a bad relationship with Wu Chao, but recently Wu Chao and Wu Mei have gotten very close. She feels uncomfortable. In order to draw Wu Yue over, and prevent him from befriending Wu Mei.

Why does this idiot Wu Mei look better than her?

You have to be alone and no one is waiting for you to be relieved!

Wu Chao didn't want to pay attention to Ji Wenhui. This cousin has a bad temper at all. She looks like a maid, but she always regards herself as a princess.

"It's none of your business where I go? Stop meddling and fart!"

Wu Chao said without looking back, Ji Wenhui's face turned black with anger, and she also complained about Wu Chao and Wu Mei. Tomorrow is the language test. Let's see how many points Wu Mei can get on the test. She told her grandfather and grandmother Wumei's score, hum!

Wu Mei didn't want the little fat man to know that she was learning to draw, but the little fat man was chasing after him, and he couldn't get rid of him for a while!

"Are you annoying? Stop following me." Wu Mei warned loudly.

"You didn't drive the road, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com If you can go, I can't go!" Wu Chao said with a smile and followed suit.

Wu Mei really wanted to slap this guy and go home, but she is not Princess Iron Fan, nor does she have a banana fan, Xiong Mumu came over and shouted at Wu Mei, "Let's go!"

Wu Chao froze as soon as he saw Xiong Mumu, and his heart was full of unpleasantness. The little cousin wanted to go out to play with this guy who was neither male nor female, and he didn't want to take him with him!

"Mei Mei, where are you going with him?"

"Mei Mei, you wouldn't be there with him, would you?"

"Meimei, listen to brother, you are still young, so you can't go astray, even if you want to find a partner, you can't find this kind of male or female, why do you have to find someone as majestic as brother? dont you agree?"

Wu Chao is worthy of being an excellent young writer in the future. His imagination is rich and colorful, and he immediately thinks of the important points. Recently, the phenomenon of writing love letters in school is very serious. Isn't the dead girl a commotion? Eight zero sweet wife

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