80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 1981: I can't get a penny

Yan Mingshun glanced at his blood-related father disdainfully. If he hadn't known that his mother would never have a problem with his life style, he would have doubted whether he was born of Yan Houde!

How can there be such a shameless man?

It's a sin to live!

"You go back to work when Tan Shufang is buried, and you will be fined 100 yuan a day for dragging. ◢Щщш.suimeng.lā" Yan Mingshun stabbed the knife mercilessly, and Yan Houde's heart bleeds.

His total salary is only about 800 yuan a month, and it will be deducted in eight days. What does he eat and drink?

The heart of his eldest son is so cruel!

Eyebrows and lips, no matter how ruthless you are, you are not ruthless, your heart is black!

Tan Shufang's cemetery is located in Phoenix Mountain. Yan Mingshun ordered his subordinates to buy it. It's just an ordinary cemetery. It's all for Yan Mingda's face. Otherwise, Yan Mingshun will take care of where she is buried.

Phoenix Mountain is still the same as in the previous life. It was transformed into a cemetery last year, but the top of the mountain where the cemetery of Meimei was located has been bought by Mei Shuhan. Flowers, red, white, yellow...all colors are complete.

Every spring, this hill is full of lilies, and gradually it has become a scene in Tianjin.

In the spring, people often come here to take pictures or sketch, and Mei Shuhan also follows them. Just one point, you can't pick lilies on the mountain. He sent a special person to guard them. .

Yan Mingshun noticed that Meimei's expression was unusual and asked her in a low voice what was wrong.

Meimei sighed slightly, pointed to the hill in the distance and said, "I was buried there in my dream."

Yan Mingshun's heart skipped a beat, he hurriedly lowered his head to look at her brows and saw that she could still laugh without being sentimental, so he felt relieved, but still felt heartache.

"You're just too busy, so you always think about things in your dreams. Let's do more exercise at night..." The voice was getting smaller and smaller, and the heat was swept into her neck, and her legs were weak.

Meimei hurriedly stretched out her hand to compare the gesture of Amitabha Buddha, don't take offense to the bodhisattvas of the four directions, sin is sin!

"What are you doing, this is a cemetery, be careful to come to you at night!"

Meimei stretched out her hand and pinched his waist so hard that even the cemetery dared to flirt, really...

Yan Mingshun raised his eyebrows indifferently. He wasn't even afraid of evil people, so how could he be afraid of evil ghosts?

Yan Mingda has already worshipped here, his eyes are red, and Yan Houde's eyes are red, but he is more sad for himself, and he has to go to that ghost place where chickens don't **** and birds don't lay eggs. He's not going to die.

If I had known that today would come, if I killed him, I would have to live a good life with Mo Wenxiang!

It's all because of this slut, Tan Shufang!

You deserve it!

Yan Houde stared at the photo of Tan Shufang on the tombstone in disgust~www.readwn.com~ He has been murdered by this woman in his whole life, and even if he died, the hatred in his heart could not be quelled!

Although he was reluctant, Yan Houde still set foot on the train going south, and the next time he would go back to Jin City, he didn't know it was the Year of the Monkey and the Horse Moon.

Tan's family still wanted to make trouble again, but they didn't have the guts, so they could only watch Yan Mingda go back to Kyoto with the money, which was extremely distressing.

Wu Yue, who was raising a baby at home in Kyoto, received a call from Jin City, her face changed slightly, "A bunch of useless things, you don't care about them, have you done what I asked you to do?"

"The company has been registered, and its name is Shinhwa Film and Television. Now that the funds are in place, as long as the money arrives, we can start work at any time." The man on the phone was confident.

Wu Yue's chest was blocked, and when she mentioned money, she thought of the one million, and her heart was like a knife.

"What's the hurry? I'll give it to you in a few days." Wu Yue hung up the phone impatiently.

They are all useless things, and they can't do a little thing well. If it doesn't work, she has to find a way to raise money!

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