80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 1983: The purpose of the birthday banquet

Wu Yue was also changing her clothes at the moment. The dress was sent by Heliance, showing a long red dress with most of her shoulders. The dress was a good dress, and it was high-end custom, which was enough to support the scene of Mrs. Helian. ? www.suimeng.lā

But the problem is-

Not suitable for today's weather.

Even a kiss on the mouth can freeze the tongue off the ghost weather, showing most of the shoulders, either the brain is flooded or the intention is to seek death!

Wu Yue's brain was neither flooded nor wanted to die, but she still had to wear this dress.

Because this is Helenze's order.

She dared not refuse.

"Young madam, your body will not be able to take it." The family doctor's surname was Gao, he was very worried that he had been bought by Wu Yue, beauty and money are always the two most powerful tools to buy people's hearts.

Wu Yue used both, how could the doctor escape, obediently bowed under Wu Yue's pomegranate skirt, and was loyal to her, a husband and wife a hundred days a day!

In addition, they still get along day and night, just like a real couple, they are only about to be named.

Ning Chenxuan would probably never have imagined that the doctor he had carefully arranged to protect the fetus would eventually become Wu Yue's concubine, and he would never have imagined that Wu Yue had such audacity, under his nose, Dare to openly cheat.

The most dangerous place is the safest in the world!

It is indeed the truth!

Wu Yue gritted her teeth and took off her clothes in front of the doctor, revealing her bloated body. The previous tattoos on her neck and back shoulder were gone, leaving only the half phoenix on her chest, as if someone had cut her in the back. Broken, very ugly.

Because of her pregnancy, Wu Yue's **** were sagging badly, but she took advantage of the time between tattoos and asked the doctor to find someone to help her take out the prosthesis, which relieved a lot of burden. It looks just right now, but it's just a little loose.

The scar on the side chest is not completely healed, a dark red line, and the skin where the tattoo is removed is not too white, and it looks different from the color of other parts.

Wu Yue looked at her body with disgust. The hot body she got after eating boiled green vegetables for two years was ruined in a mess. After giving birth, she had to work hard to get back in shape.

Doctor Gao looked at Wu Yue's unbeautiful body obsessively, and the bloated body that Wu Yue despised, in the doctor's eyes, was sexier than Monroe.

This unique aesthetic taste is really drunk!

Wu Yue curled her lips smugly, but she was a little more pleasing to Doctor Gao's ordinary appearance, because this man, who she usually wouldn't even look at, satisfied her exuberant vanity.

Even if Wu Yue's figure becomes worse and ugly, she can still fascinate men!

Why should Zhao Mei **** compare with her?

"Help me put on my clothes!" Wu Yue raised her chin like a queen and commanded Doctor Gao.

No matter how cold it is, she must put on this dress so that everyone can take a good look at her, does Mrs. Helian have any tattoos on her body, and whether there are any red moles on her bones!

This is the true purpose of Heliance's great efforts to hold a birthday banquet!

Dr. Gao zipped up the zipper for her, and looked at the bare bones with regret. The red mole he used to be obsessed with was gone, what a pity!

"Put on a thicker shawl, and be careful not to expose your shoulders for too long, preferably no more than three minutes." Dr. Gao warned softly, still worried.

Although the indoor temperature is higher than the outside, it is still below zero, because the guests come and go, the heat dissipates quickly, and it is impossible to have heating everywhere.

"Understood, you go and call the makeup artist to come in."

Wu Yue sat in front of the dressing table and waited for the makeup artist to come in to do her makeup, Zhao Mei would also come today, she couldn't lose the game.

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