80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 1995: production ahead of time

Wu Yue was lying on the bed in pain. Her whole body was in pain, and there was no place that didn't hurt. She felt even more pain than when she had plastic surgery. WWW.SUIMENG.lā

Her high fever was gone, without medication, but with ice cubes, and it was her shoulders that caused her pain.

Being frozen for a long time made her shoulders as fragile as glass, and because she couldn't use medicine, she could only suffer from pain, like countless needles stabbing in the flesh, hurting into the bone marrow.

Thousands of arrows pierce the heart!

And it's not over yet.

"Please give me medicine, I really can't take it anymore." Wu Yue begged the doctor, with fine beads of sweat all over her forehead.

Doctor Gao looked at his lover who was in pain on the bed, and if he could, he would also like to give Wu Yue medicine, but Heliance said cruelly, and he didn't have the courage.

"Be patient, there are still three and a half months, and it will soon pass." Dr. Gao massaged Wu Yue, trying to ease her pain.

Even if he wanted to give Wu Yue medicine now, there was no medicine available. Heliance took away all the anti-inflammatory medicines in the house, and sent another doctor to supervise him. Maybe he had doubts about him, which made Gao Gao take away all the anti-inflammatory medicines in the house. Doctors are even more afraid.

Wu Yue looked at him with contempt, no longer expecting this timid man to help her.

Among her many lovers, Dr. Gao is the most useless one. If it wasn't for the situation, how could Wu Yue like this kind of useless person?

"No, three and a half months is too long, is there any way to give birth earlier?" Wu Yue asked through gritted teeth.

It's so painful every day that she can't even guarantee sleep, and she can't guarantee that she can last that long.

Even if she can persist for so long, she cannot guarantee that her body will be healthy after the child is born.

She doesn't want to be a sick person by then, that's not what she wants.

Dr. Gao looked at Wu Yue in surprise. He didn't expect her to have such an idea, but he still replied: "There is a way, but the longer the child stays in the mother's body, the healthier the child will be. A lot of congenital conditions."

Wu Yue said impatiently: "If I don't give birth again, my health will not be guaranteed. Just a month or two in advance should be fine."

In real life, there are so many premature babies who are still very healthy. How can there be so many congenital diseases?

"You don't need to tell me this nonsense, you tell me directly, is there a way for me to give birth in advance?" Wu Yue growled, his eyes flashing coldly.

Dr. Gao shuddered, and was actually deterred by Wu Yue's eyes. He said in a nonchalant manner: "There is, but there is. As long as the uterus is stimulated, it can be delivered earlier, but this is not good for adults and children..."

Wu Yue interrupted him~www.readwn.com~ and said decisively, "That's the decision. In another two months, you can find a way to make me give birth ahead of time, so that there are no traces, so that Heliance will not find out."

"But Ce Shao..."

Doctor Gao hesitated, he didn't dare to do it, if Helian Chece found out, his life would definitely not be saved.

Wu Yue said coldly, "If you don't help me, I'll tell Young Master Ce that you seduced me..."

Dr. Gao's face was completely bloodless, and he looked at Wu Yue in disbelief, regretting it too late, but it was too late.

Wu Yue was racking her brains to create a reason for the early production, but Zhou Zihua gave her a chance.

A few days after Ning Chenxuan's birthday banquet ended, Zhou Zihua made another noise in Hong Kong. He actually hung the photo of Wu Yue's birthday banquet on the newspaper, and circled her bare shoulders. HD pictures.

At this time, Wu Yue should have been splashed with tea by Mei Mei, and the scar on her shoulder is very clear.

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