80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 1999: the child is healthy

Yan Mingshun listened to the report of his subordinates, and Xiao Guo actually brought his wife with him when he went to the United States, and he couldn't help laughing. [WWw.SuiMеng.lā

Fortunately, he was not in a hurry. Although Meimei mentioned it last time, after his persuasion, he did not mention it again. He should have forgotten about it.

Since this is the case, then he naturally does not need to worry, and will wait for Wu Yue to give birth to a child.

Day by day, the time for Wuyue's production is getting closer and closer.

Wu Yue's due date should be in the middle of June, not only Yan Mingshun is paying attention to this child, but also Ning Chenxuan and Heliance.


"How come premature birth? What do you eat?"

Ning Chenxuan received a report from his subordinates that Wu Yue suddenly started in the morning and was about to give birth.

But it was only the middle of May, and there was still a month before the due date. After Ning Chenxuan heard it, he was so angry that he almost killed the two doctors around Wu Yue.

Dr. Gao was so frightened that he was sweating coldly all over his body, and he bravely defended himself: "Young madam's pregnancy is not very stable, and the last birthday banquet was frozen again, and it hasn't gotten better. When I get angry, there are signs of premature birth, and I have already reacted with Ce Shao."

Dr. Du's life is very important at this moment, so naturally he will not refute Dr. Gao.

Although he had many questions, why did he suddenly start it?

Because there was no sign of premature birth when he did a routine checkup for Wu Yue two days ago, the early start this time was too sudden.

Ning Chenxuan couldn't really kill these two doctors, it was just an angry talk just now.

"If there is an accident, protect the child!"

Ning Chenxuan's expression was indifferent, and there was no emotion in his eyes.

"Yes!" Dr. Gao and Dr. Du shivered in unison, and they were even more fortunate that they escaped the disaster.

Wu Yue didn't go to the hospital to give birth. Ning Zhai's medical facilities are very complete, and there are two brilliant doctors to deliver the birth, which makes him more comfortable than going to the hospital.

Dr. Gao suggested Wu Yue to have a caesarean section, because her physical condition is not very good, and she may not have the strength to give birth naturally.

"No, just give birth!"

Wu Yue categorically refused, she didn't want to leave an ugly scar on her stomach, it was too ugly.


After a day and night of painful struggles, Wu Yue finally gave birth to the heir to the Ning family at dawn in the east.

"Sir, he's a very beautiful boy." Doctor Gao showed Ning Chenxuan the **** child, next to Heliance, who was also looking forward to it.

In terms of blood, this child is his own younger brother.

Ning Chengxuan happily took over the child. The child was unusually beautiful, unlike other newly born children, who were wrinkled like a little old man. Although the child was slightly lighter, his face was smooth without any wrinkles.

Fair skin~www.readwn.com~ big eyes, high nose bridge, and black hair...

Although it is only not much older than a puppy, anyone who sees this child will sigh with emotion.

It's so beautiful!

Like an elves who have fallen into the mortal world, whoever sees it will soften their hearts and cannot bear to hurt him!

"Why doesn't the child cry?"

After Ning Chenxuan rejoiced, he realized something was wrong. The child in his arms was quiet and didn't look like a newborn child. Don't ordinary children cry loudly when they are born?

But the child didn't say a word, just opened his eyes so quietly, as if thinking about a problem.

The next day, Meimei learned that Wu Yue had given birth. It is said that she gave birth to a very beautiful boy, and——

This unbelievably beautiful boy is very healthy!

This is surprising!

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