80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 200: good news

Wu Chao stood there for a while, until the coldness on his body dissipated, and then he slowly walked back, Wu Mei, what happened to her? Why do you have such an expression when you talk about Wu Yue? There are also aunt and Ji Wenhui, who seem to have a **** feud with her.

Wu Mei has really changed, she can't see through her mind, Wu Chao sighed, and instead of dying in silence, it erupted in silence, and the deep-water torpedo of little cousin broke out.

I just don't know who will be affected. Anyway, it won't be him. Recently, his relationship with Wu Mei is still very good. He even ate lunch meat for Wu Mei!

The young man's thoughts came and went quickly, and Wu Chao soon returned to his heartless appearance. He took out the lotus root cake that had been hidden in his schoolbag and ate it with relish.

As for Ji Jianbo's nonsense, Wu Chao had forgotten it long ago, Wu Yue, Wu Mei, and the other girls didn't say anything about him. He was a dignified man, how could he be a good-natured woman?

Wu Mei waited for Xiong Mumu to finish class, and then went home together. Unconsciously, she was much faster than usual, and the car was riding like a fly. She couldn't wait to know Wu Yue's current situation. , Wu Yue, even if she goes to the world again, I'm afraid she won't get good grades in the exam!

When Xiong Mumu saw her appearance, she knew what Wu Mei was thinking. Thinking of Wu Yue's embarrassment in the daytime, he couldn't help shaking his body. The woman's heart was really small and poisonous.

"Hey, don't do such trivial things in the future. If we want to win, we have to win openly and let Wu Yue be convinced." Xiong Mumu said bitterly, but he still didn't want Wu Mei to do these nasty things.

Wu Mei snorted: "I only need Wu Yue to lose, I don't care if she is convinced."

She admits that she is unscrupulous, but so what?

Compared to what Wu Yue had done to her before, it would not be an exaggeration for her to do another hundred times!

Her pain, the baby's pain, she will return it to Wu Yue little by little, hundreds of times, thousands of times, thousands of times!

Xiong Mumu felt Wu Mei's abnormality, looked at her strangely, and asked: "Wu Yue is not a good person, but she is your sister after all, so it's better to stop in moderation, don't go too far, lest you regret it in the future."

"Ha, regret? Wu Yue died in front of me, and I didn't even blink my eyelids!" Wu Mei sneered~www.readwn.com~ Soon she realized that she had made a mistake, and changed her words: "I and I You're joking, I just hate Wu Yue scolding her grades in front of me all day long, I just want to see her unlucky, and the rest take care of me."

Wu Mei regretted a little. She was so excited just now that she almost revealed her flaws. Xiong Mumu didn't know her grievance with Wu Yue, and naturally she didn't understand her hatred for Wu Yue. She should be more careful in the future, so as not to be discovered by Xiong Mumu. It's secret.

Xiong Mumu was really startled by Wu Mei before, but he was comforted by Wu Mei soon. He didn't think too much, and even thought that he thought too much. Wu Mei was only angry with Wu Yue's good grades. kind of crazy idea?

Wu Mei separated from Xiong Mumu, and walked towards home expectantly. Mrs. Zhang was cooking, she smiled genially when she saw her, and reminded in a low voice, "Something happened to your sister, and Teacher He is in a bad mood."

"Thank you, Mrs. Zhang!"

Wu Mei smiled gratefully, her face was not obvious, but her heart was ecstatic. It seems that Wu Yue's situation is not very good!

Haha, that's really good news, eat an extra bowl of rice at night. Eight zero sweet wife

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