80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 2021: Don't trust your pillow

A few days ago, Meimei also asked Yan Mingshun if she wanted to explain Ouyang Shanshan's true identity to Mei Shuhan. Yan Mingshun said she would be happy with her, but it was her mood.

I didn't say it earlier because I wanted to take the initiative and didn't want Heliance to be vigilant. Now that the child has been born, Wu Yue has no use value, and her identity is not that important.

Moreover, Yan Mingshun will reveal Wu Yue's true identity in a few days. This is a countermeasure that he and Zhou Zihua negotiated, that is, to tell Heliance that all your intrigues and tricks are under his control.

So, even if she doesn't tell Mei Shuhan now, Mei Shuhan can read it in the newspaper in a few days.

Mei Shuhan's heart sank and asked, "What do you mean? What else does Ouyang Shanshan have?"

He subconsciously felt that Meimei's question had a deep meaning.

Is Ouyang Shanshan a spy?

Mei Shuhan suddenly became nervous and asked anxiously, "Is she a spy sent by the enemy who wants to harm A Ce?"

Meimei rolled her eyes, this association is too rich.

But it also proves that Mei Shuhan and Heliance are indeed true love.

"You think too much, Ouyang Shanshan, she is not Ouyang Shanshan, she is faked by another person."

"Who? Do you know me?" Mei Shuhan asked.

Meimei nodded, "Yes, we all know each other, and she is also your good friend, a person who has died, she is resurrected."

Mei Shuhan looked puzzled. After thinking for a while, his expression suddenly changed, and he blurted out, "Is it Wu Yue? Isn't she dead? Impossible, I saw her jump downstairs with my own eyes, how could she not die?"

Mei Shuhan shook his head again and again, not believing what Mei Mei said. Back then, Wu Yue fell from the fourth floor and had dozens of stab wounds on his body. Even the Iron Man fell to his death, how could he survive?

Moreover, Wu Yue's body was collected by Heliance and sent to the crematorium to be burned to ashes. Could it be that she was breathed out by the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva and lived again?

Mei Shuhan never doubted Heliance. He had 200% trust. Heliance told him that when Wu Yue was dead, he must have died.

Meimei sneered, "I'm going to ask your Ah Ce, what did he do in the first place? What's he at ease?"

Mei Shuhan still didn't believe it.

Meimei said the most direct evidence, "Ouyang Shanshan is allergic to seafood, Wuyue is allergic to peanuts, you can try it yourself."

After she finished speaking, she was about to leave~www.readwn.com~ but she still reminded: "For the sake of knowing each other for many years, let me remind you, don't trust the people next to you too much, sometimes it's necessary to keep an eye on your head. ."

Mei Shuhan couldn't help but ask, "Meimei, are you doing the same to Yan Mingshun?"

He now regards Meimei as his younger sister, but he lost to Yan Mingshun, which made him still feel a little brooding.

Meimei snorted, "Of course not, why should Heliance compare with Brother Mingshun? There are no secrets between me and Brother Mingshun."

Mei Shuhan laughed at himself. It turned out that in Meimei's heart, Yan Mingshun was the one who could share secrets, but he was just an outsider.

He lost from the start.

Maybe that was really just a dream!

After Meimei returned home, Tong Yan Mingshun shared Mei Shuhan's suspicions.

"Brother, are you saying that Mei Shuhan guessed right? Shall we investigate that Doctor Gao?" Mei Mei asked.

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