80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 2027: To save Xiaobao

What happened was beyond Mei Shuhan's expectations. He originally wanted to test Wu Yue to see if what Mei Mei said was true, so he specially asked the chef to prepare snacks mixed with peanut powder.

The amount of peanut flour is not much, and in order to cover up the aroma of peanuts, soybean flour and corn flour are specially added, and then deep-fried to cover up their own aroma, as long as you don’t taste it carefully, it’s hard to eat it. peanut.

In order to be more secure, Mei Shuhan also specially asked the chef to make abalone vermicelli. The deliciousness of the seafood can temporarily make the taste buds less sensitive, so Wu Yue ate half a plate of dim sum without noticing the dim sum. There are peanuts.

Although Mei Shuhan has some medical knowledge, he is not very clear about how much peanut allergy sufferers should eat to reach the allergy level, so he kept persuading Wu Yue to eat snacks.

Looking at Wu Yue who was unconscious on the ground, Mei Shuhan realized that he probably ate too much.

I don't know if it will kill you?

This is not the most important thing. What made Mei Shuhan uncomfortable was Xiaobao in his arms. Because he couldn't get Wuyue's milk, Xiaobao was very uncomfortable. Anyone who sees it will be distressed.

Mei Shuhan had some guilt towards Wu Yue at first, but seeing Xiao Bao's tragic state, Mei Shuhan wished Wu Yue would die in front of him immediately.

People who are inferior to animals are not worthy of living on the earth to absorb oxygen.

"Xiaobao...be good...don't be afraid, uncle is here..."

Mei Shuhan coaxed Xiaobao softly, but to no avail, Xiaobao's little face was twisted, his throat made a gurgling sound, and his little body struggled hard, like a dying little fish lying in despair. On shore, sucking in the depleted air.

"Call an ambulance, what are you still doing, call an ambulance for me!"

Mei Shuhan's eyes were red, and the hotel staff who rushed over to hear the news yelled, and the gentle face was a bit hideous. The hotel staff had never seen the big boss make such a big fire, and they were so frightened that they called an ambulance. .

Mei Shuhan held Little Treasure, who was still twitching, in fear. He was in unprecedented panic. He was worried that Little Treasure would not survive, and died in his arms like this.

"Boss, I'm afraid that the child is not a sheep epilepsy, it's going to die!" The hotel manager looked at Xiaobao's appearance, and suddenly felt bad, his breathing was weak, and he was very worried.

Mei Shuhan looked at Little Treasure, whose breathing was getting weaker and weaker in his arms, in fear. His body was not as strong as before, but it made him even more scared. He couldn't help but hug Little Treasure tightly and roared at the manager.

"Fart, you can't do it, Xiaobao will live a long life and be healthy, get out of the way!"

Mei Shuhan was very disliked by the manager he admired in the past, and he didn't even speak a word, and half of the year-end bonus was deducted.

But he knew that the manager was not wrong. Xiaobao was really dying. What should I do?

Who can save Xiaobao?


No~www.readwn.com~ Ah Ce is not a doctor, it is useless to find him, now we must not waste time, we must find someone who can save Xiaobao, who?

Mei Shuhan forced himself to calm down and screened the people he knew one by one. As time passed, Mei Shuhan thought about all the people he knew, but none of them could save Xiaobao.

At this time, I am afraid that only Guanyin Bodhisattva can save Xiaobao, right?

Mei Shuhan looked bitterly at Little Treasure, who had a weak breath in his arms. Guanyin Bodhisattva is only a person living in legend, how could it possibly appear?

Does he really want to watch Xiaobao die?

Mei Shuhan's heart was unbearable, and his eyes became firm. He must do his best to save this child, otherwise he will regret it for the rest of his life.

The mountains and rivers are full of doubts and there is no way, the willows are dark and the flowers are bright in another village. When he was desperate, Mei Shuhan suddenly thought of a person, and his face was filled with joy.

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