80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 2031: Who's to blame for this ugly

The ambulance just arrived, and Heliance and Yan Mingshun arrived not long after each other. Heliance received a notice from his subordinates that he equipped Wuyue with bodyguards and followed him every time he went out. In order to protect Xiaobao, he was also monitoring Wuyue. Yue, when something happened just now, his subordinates immediately notified Helianze.

As for Yan Mingshun, Uncle Lao naturally informed him. He was worried, so he rushed over and bumped into Heliance head-on at the gate.

"What's the matter? Who is this ugly?"

Heliance was worried about Xiaobao, so he strode ahead and saw the doctor carrying Wu Yue to get into the ambulance. Wu Yue took in the oxygen bag and it got better, but her face was still swollen. Didn't recognize it for a while.

"Young Master Ce, this is the young lady." The subordinate pointed out in a low voice.

Fortunately, Wu Yue was in a coma, otherwise he would have been **** off when he heard Heliance's ugly voice.

Heliance glanced in disgust, turned his head quickly, and asked in disgust, "How did you get into such a ghost? Where is Xiaobao, are you alright?"

"The doctor said that the young lady has a food allergy, which is very dangerous. If it is delayed, she will not be able to save her. The young master is all right now. Young master Mei and Miss Zhao are with the young master in the house." The subordinate said vaguely.

Helianze raised his eyebrows in surprise. Food allergies?

What can I eat and what I can't eat?

"Who called the ambulance?" Heliance's tone was not good, and he called an ambulance so much that this **** died of allergies, save me!

The subordinate replied tremblingly, "Yes... Young Master Mei."

Heliance sighed angrily, his Shuhan is too kind, this is not a good habit, alas!

When he saw Yan Mingshun who was following behind him, he glared angrily, "Young Master Ming has become a follower? What are you doing here for my housework?"

"I don't want to take care of the **** in your family, you just need to take care of your own people in the future, don't call my woman if you have any shit, but this also shows how incompetent you are, you can't do it at all. Make people around you feel safe enough.”

Yan Mingshun sneered and made Heliance angry enough. If he hadn't worried about Xiaobao and Mei Shuhan, he would have fought with Yan Mingshun immediately.

"Send the person directly to Ning's house, no need to send them to the hospital."

Heliance was suffocating in his heart, but Yan Mingshun couldn't do anything about it, so he poured his anger on the doctors and asked them to send Wu Yue back to Ning's house. Is it shameful to go to the hospital?

The doctor also wanted to say that Wu Yue's condition was very serious. If he didn't rescue him in time, he would probably die, but under Heliance's murderous aura, he was almost scared to urinate, and he didn't have the guts to fart. After leaving Heliance, knowing that the medical and nursing conditions in Ning's house were not bad, he did so wisely~www.readwn.com~ Heliance ran at the front, and before reaching Mei Shuhan's room, he shouted loudly: "Shuhan, are you alright?"

The little treasure in Meimei's arms moved again, her delicate brows were twisted into a ball, her little face was wrinkled, and her little mouth moved, as if she was about to wake up.

Mei Shuhan hurriedly ran out and scolded unhappily: "What's your name? Xiaobao was woken up by you, shut up!"

Heliance's voice stopped abruptly, but he also let go of his heart, and it seemed that the two people he cared about the most were all right.

"What's going on? Then... what did Ouyang Shanshan eat to make a pig's head?" Heliance asked in a low voice.

Mei Shuhan snorted softly, and now he still wants to lie to him, Ouyang Shanshan.

"We'll talk about it later, I'll tell you the good news." Although Mei Shuhan was angry that Heliance lied to himself, he was even more pleased by Xiaobao's closeness to his eyebrows.

In this way, Wu Yue can no longer use Xiaobao to threaten people, and can also rescue Xiaobao.

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