80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 2041: where did people go

No matter it is Meimei or Yan Mingshun, I have no experience with children. When I first fell asleep, my heart was still on my mind, I was afraid that it would weigh on Xiaobao, but when I fell asleep, I completely forgot about me. Where do I remember there was a little kid in the bed? .

Xiaobao used to sleep with Wuyue. Wuyue was not a loving mother, and she was even more impatient. She put Xiaobao on the bed, and then she fell asleep. Whether the child was hungry, or whether the quilt was covered, Wuyue never I don't care, it's always been dawn.

So Xiaobao sleeps really well. Maybe he knew that crying is useless since he was a child, and he can't get the pity of his mother, so he doesn't cry anymore, so quiet that people can't feel his existence.

The little guy was lying between Meimei and Yan Mingshun, feeling very new, no sleepiness, his eyes were wide open, he looked left and right, but he couldn't see anything, he probably felt boring, so he took care of himself , sucked tut.

Meimei patted Xiaobao's back at first, but she was also sleepy, so she patted herself to sleep.

Yan Mingshun didn't have the patience. After thinking about it for a while, he fell asleep.

Xiaobao ate his hands for a while, and felt that it was meaningless. He yawned a lot and fell asleep. However, the reason why little children are called little children is because they are awake or asleep. When there is no peace.

The property of a brat is to roll, roll, roll...

Little Treasure was still rolling and rolling in his dreamland, and unknowingly got into the bed, and the deeper he got deeper...

Meimei and the others had a lot of good dreams. After Heliance returned home, he couldn't fall back asleep. He was always worried that Yan Mingshun would abuse his brother?

Mei Shuhan was so sleepy, seeing Heliance walking around the room like a convulsion, he didn't bother to care about him anymore, and Gu Zi went to sleep.

At five o'clock in the morning, the sky had just turned white, and Heliance couldn't hold it in any longer, so he made a phone call.

It was the weekend, Yan Mingshun wanted to accompany his daughter-in-law to sleep for a while, but he didn't plan to go out for a run. He could exercise in the gym at home, so he didn't get up very early as usual.

When Heliance called, Yan Mingshun and Meimei were still in their dreamland, dreaming sweet dreams.

Yan Mingshun dreamed of a cute puppy, lying at his feet, giving him the floor, and licking it very comfortably, he didn't want to wake up from the dream.

But the **** phone rang again, and when Yan Mingshun heard Heliance's voice, he wanted to strangle this **** to death across the phone line.

"Yan Mingshun, did my little treasure sleep well? Are you not starving him?" Heliance roared loudly.

"Come here and take it away~www.readwn.com~ Call early in the morning, you're **** sick!" Yan Mingshun was afraid of waking up his eyebrows, so he lowered his voice and was not angry.

Heliance was unreasonable in the end, but he had always been an unreasonable person. Even if he had a guilty conscience, his voice was still very loud.

"The sun is drying out, and I'm still sleeping. You ask Xiaobao to answer the phone, and I'll have a word with him."

Yan Mingshun laughed in anger, this person is probably not stupid!

"Heliance, your brain is really flooded, Xiaobao is a three-month-old baby, what did you tell him, ah?" Yan Mingshun was about to collapse. He shouldn't have followed his eyebrows and made such a troublesome problem. Bring the bag home.

However, a phone call made Yan Mingshun completely awake. He subconsciously looked for the trace of Xiaobao, and planned to take a few shots on this little boy's ass. Who made his elder brother so ignorant and disturbing his dreams early in the morning.

However, after searching around, I couldn't find the little guy. The bed was empty, only his wife.

Where did it go?

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