80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 2047: please take good care of the children

His brows were burning with anxiety, and he rushed out with Xiaobao in his arms, just as he was about to say Qiuqiu's discovery, the phone rang again.

The call was from Wu Yue. As soon as she woke up, she went to look for Xiaobao everywhere. It wasn't because she loved the child so much, but she needed Xiaobao as an all-purpose bargaining chip to make a difference for her.

Especially when Wu Yue heard that Dr. Gao said that Xiaobao was here with Meimei, she was even more angry. She could let anyone take Xiaobao, but Zhao Mei couldn't.

Helianze is simply flooded with water!

When Aunt Fang answered the phone, Wu Yue said in a bad tone, "Let Zhao Mei return my son, or I will sue her for kidnapping and selling the child."

Yan Mingshun came out and asked Aunt Fang who was calling. Aunt Fang told the truth. Yan Mingshun was too lazy to pay attention to this crazy woman, and directly asked Heliance to answer the phone.

"You can't even control women, you are really promising!" Yan Mingshun mocked mercilessly.

Heliance's face was dull, and he was even more disgusted with Wu Yue. He took the microphone and cursed: "What are you calling for? Xiaobao was brought here by me. Do you have any opinions?"

Wu Yue's heart skipped a beat, she never imagined that Heliance was actually at Yan Mingshun's house!

Aren't these two rivals?

When did friendship become so good!

What happened when she was in a coma for the past two days?

"I just miss Xiaobao, Xiaobao will cry without me by his side!" Wu Yue lowered her posture, but deliberately pointed out Xiaobao's dependence on herself, intending to threaten Heliance.

Heliance was upset, if it wasn't for this reason, he would have killed Wu Yue long ago.

He reprimanded a few words, then hung up the phone, planning to take Xiaobao back to Wu Yue, no matter what, Xiaobao must be the first.

For the sake of his brother, he can endure the **** Wu Yue!

Meimei came over with Xiaobao in his arms, Heliance's eyes were sharp, and when he saw Xiaobao dizzy, his color changed suddenly, and his expression became grim, "What did you do to Xiaobao?"

Yan Mingshun blocked Heliance, stretched out his hand and touched the side of Xiaobao's neck, there was no serious problem, so he glared at Heliance, "Blind, just fell asleep."

Heliance was relieved, but he wondered why Xiaobao suddenly fell asleep. In normal times, he would definitely be unconscious and would not sleep.

He looked suspiciously at Meimei, always wondering, what kind of charm does Zhao Mei have that Xiaobao likes so much?

Obviously there is no blood relationship at all!

How strange!

"I'd better take Xiaobao back, he's already awake." Helianze said.

Meimei wanted to talk about Xiaobao's poisoning~www.readwn.com~, but at this time she didn't want to talk about it anymore, Wuyue had already woken up, this woman was as cunning as a fox, and she was cruel, she had to wait until she got solid evidence. It's good to beat Wu Yue again!

It's just that she is really worried about handing Xiaobao back to Wu Yue!

Yan Mingshun understands her concerns, but they and Xiaobao have no relationship and no reason, and there is no reason to leave Xiaobao. Heliance and Wu Yue are Xiaobao's parents, and it is only natural for them to take Xiaobao away, and they have no right to stop him.

Heliance took Xiaobao from Meimei's arms, seeing her reluctantly, not only funny, but more proud.

His brother is just like, unparalleled in the world, the only one in the world!

"Take good care of Xiaobao, and see how you have raised Xiaobao? It's not even a month old for three months, and if you keep raising it like this, how will Xiaobao grow up?"

Meimei couldn't help crying out for Xiaobao, Wuyue is a black heart and is not good to Xiaobao, but Heliance seems to really like Xiaobao, how could he just watch Wuyue, a slut, abuse Xiaobao!

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