80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 2057: Chen 3 is back

Meimei raised a thumbs up, and was full of praise for lifting the steel, but she got a big white eye from Miss Ren.

"Is there something wrong with your eyes? Where does Yingjugang look bad? He has nose, eyes, ears and mouth, and his facial features are well-shaped. He has nothing missing."

Ren Qianqian is not happy, why do you say that her man is not good-looking?

Meimei stared at her in amazement for a long time, and said angrily: "Didn't you say it yourself before? You said that Ying Jugang was slow to respond, he looked like a three-inch nail, his face was like that of a caveman, and he was not as tall as you. high……"

Ren Qianqian's face flushed immediately, and she reached out her hand to cover her brows and mouth, "What are you talking about? When did I say such nonsense? If you say this again, be careful that I turn your face with you!"

Qi Qi Ge hurriedly proved loudly: "That's what you said, you also said that if you marry a pig or a dog, you won't marry that..."

Ren Qianqian jumped in anger and stretched out her hand to cover Qiqi. She only hated her parents for not giving her more hands, and even more hated the two bad friends she made. I never saw such a good memory during the exam. She said that casually, but she remembered it pretty well!

"I really turned my face... Anyway, I didn't say these words, don't tell me nonsense!"

Ren Qianqian refuses to admit it, she is now like Ying Jugang's good honey, she has a good look in the eyes of her lover. Ying Jugang, who was originally despised by her as useless, is now more handsome than Andy Lau in her eyes!

He smiled narrowly, but he was very happy for his friend. It was really not easy to find a man who is responsible and responsible and who truly loves him!

Although there are many good men in this world, there are also many scumbags!

Marrying a husband is really a big luck, if you bump into it, you will be happy for a lifetime, if you don't bump into it, you will be unlucky for a lifetime!

"Mei Mei, where are you going to play in the summer vacation?" Qi Qi asked.

"I don't know yet, maybe I won't go anywhere." Meimei smiled, feeling a little uncomfortable.

Xiaobao's detoxification is not very smooth, it is too small, and even a little irritation can't stand it. At the current speed, I am afraid that it will not be able to detoxify for several years. If it takes longer, but it can be detoxified, that's fine .

The most fearful thing is that Xiaobao's body can't last that long!

This is what worries me the most!

For a while now, I can't think of any other better way. I can only slowly take care of Xiaobao's body. I hope that Xiaobao can grow stronger. This may extend the time of acupuncture and moxibustion, and can detoxify more.

Therefore, Meimei had no intention of going out to play at all.

The summer vacation is coming soon. Qi Qige and Chang Qingsong left on the second day of their vacation. Ren Qianqian and Ying Jugang also worked together sweetly for a happy life in the future. They were busy and fulfilled every day.

There is still no progress on Xiaobao's side. It is said that Heliance's temper is very grumpy now~www.readwn.com~ Of course, his previous temper is not much better, but under the nourishment of Mei Shuhan's love, Heliance Much better already.

But because of Xiaobao, Heliance was on the verge of rage every day, and only Mei Shuhan dared to approach him, and the other subordinates fled far away when they saw him, for fear of being used as a punching bag by Heliance.

Yan Mingshun was also very busy during this time, because Chen San came back.

Chen San's residence in the United States is very mysterious. Xiao Guo took a lot of effort to find him, but he couldn't get close to Chen San, and he didn't know what method he used to get Chen San back.

Yan Mingshun immediately informed his subordinates to bring the great wizard who had returned to Miaojiang to the capital again, and he went to see Chen San.

It's still the same teahouse in the middle of the city.

It was the place where he and Chen San met for the first time - Wang Ba Tea House!

The box is still the same box. After so many years, nothing has changed.

Only people's hearts have changed!

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