80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 2061: the smartest person

Xiao Guo was overjoyed and asked, "Who is this person? Where does he live? I'll look for him now."

He is the most powerful detective in the world. As long as this person is still on the earth, he will definitely be able to find him.

Chen San shook his head and said, "I only know his English name is Vince, from China, and I don't know anything else."

Xiao Guo muttered to himself, "Vince? This guy is quite narcissistic, you know that?"

There is only one English name and no other information at all. Even if he is the most powerful detective in the world, he cannot find the smartest person in the world!

Chen San said: "It's a boy, no more than 25 years old, with a very high IQ. There is nothing in the world that he can't do, no matter what industry he is in."

The reason why his American friends said that this boy named Vince should be able to save his life is because this Vince is really powerful, as if he has been favored by God, and he would not be able to do it without him.

Pharmacy, anatomy, music, psychology, racing, computers, weapons, etc. Vince is not only proficient, but also a leader in these industries.

American friends said that Vince will not have children, but this problem may be solved by Vince in a few years, because artificial wombs are not impossible!

When Chen San heard the words of his American friend, he was very surprised. Why didn't he know that there was such a powerful young man in Huaxia?

But his American friends never lie, so Vince definitely has such a person, and he is really good, so he must find this boy named Vince!

He wants to have a son!

Dream about it!

Xiao Guo was also very strange, "When did our country come out with such a great character, I don't know at all, wouldn't it be your friend who rubbed you?"

"No, my friend won't lie to me. It is said that Vince cured the late-stage pancreatic cancer of the old man of the Bieber family in the United States a year ago. The top medical team in the United States gave up the old man, saying that it was incurable, let the Bieber family I am preparing for the funeral, but in May of this year, the old man married a 25-year-old little wife at the age of 85."

Xiao Guo and Yan Mingshun looked at each other, the old Bieber that Chen San said was very famous.

It is said that he is the richest man in the world, and he has all the faults that men have+

Flowery, lustful, passionate, ambitious...

Until today, the old man has changed five wives~www.readwn.com~ This 25-year-old little wife is his sixth wife.

Although every wife gets divorced and will share his astronomical wealth, the old man is still the richest man in the world, and his status is as majestic as a mountain.

The old man Bieber had advanced pancreatic cancer. They didn't know about it. They only knew that last year, the old man didn't like to make public appearances like he used to. He was very low-key, and he was obviously recuperating at home.

Unexpectedly, Vince cured the old man!

Chen San continued: "In fact, cancer cells are also a kind of poison, which is no different from the heartless cups on us. My friend said that Vince's treatment method was very strange. At first, everyone in the Bieber family was reluctant to believe him. Vince is making trouble unreasonably, but the old man's favorite young son is Vince's good friend, and he defied all opinions, which saved the old man's life..."

Xiao Guo interrupted him excitedly, "Can you provide any other information about this Vince?"

He must find this awesome guy and have a football team!

PS: Vince, the winner

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