80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 2091: Degumming successfully

Meimei doesn't have the strong willpower and endurance like Yan Mingshun's, even if she becomes grass juice, she will still be treated to the death, and she deeply doubts life.

"I want to give Chen San a crotch noodle... I can't spare him... Yan Mingshun... Did you hear... %#@@%@%%..."

With his brows covered with tape, he sat on the toilet in pain, and said unformed words in his mouth. Yan Mingshun couldn't understand a word, but he could guess what it was with his toes.

Without his wife's orders, he would never spare Chen San!

I must think of a way to punish Chen San for a lifetime of pain!

The troubles above were resolved, but the pain below continued. Meimei simply moved to the bathroom. The frequency of once every five minutes made her want to sleep with the toilet.

This time I will definitely be thin to lightning!

Meimei comforted herself like this in her heart. After school started, she blinded Ren Qianqian and Qiqige, making them envious, jealous...

But it's really painful!

Fortunately, the effect of these grasses is really good. After three days, the brows and eyebrows are completely relieved, but she is really thin to lightning, the originally round chin has become an awl, and the small face the size of a palm is even smaller, and the wind blows. It can fall, and Yan Mingshun is very distressed.

"Can't eat... disgusting..."

Meimei removed the millet porridge that Aunt Fang specially cooked. Now she feels sick no matter what food she sees, she just wants to vomit and can't eat it at all.

"Good... eat a little, I'll feed you!"

Yan Mingshun coaxed her softly and prepared to feed her, but Meimei just couldn't eat it, her stomach was really hurt, and it would take some time to recover.

"Don't eat it...you can eat it yourself, I really can't eat it..." Meimei covered her mouth and couldn't stop shaking her head. The originally fragrant millet porridge became so disgusting that she couldn't even smell it.

Meimei covered her nose and turned her head, not looking at the food on the table, feeling nauseated.

Yan Mingshun frowned and didn't force her to eat anymore. Fortunately, there was a spirit pill to support her, and she would be fine if she didn't eat for a few days.

Li Mengchen snorted softly, women are hypocritical!

Didn't he just vomit for three days, how could his stomach be so fragile, if he didn't want to eat, he just wanted to act like a spoiled child in front of men?

"I want to vomit, right? I have a good way. I pour the millet porridge into it, and then seal it with tape. It will guarantee a month to keep it white and plump, like dough." Li Mengchen said with a bright eyebrow.

This method is called cramming feeding method. No matter how hypocritical anorexia is, as long as you use this method, you will definitely be able to raise fat!

"Shut up, eat your donkey and roll!"

Yan Mingshun yelled at him angrily. Before, there was no way to use tape to eat grass. Even if he was distressed for his wife, he had to endure it. Now, why would he use such a perverted method?

Don't eat if you don't eat, it will be fine in a few days!

Meimei stared at Li Mengchen weakly~www.readwn.com~ That is, this guy doesn't eat soybean noodles, or he must mix one or two croton noodles, and he can't kill this pretender!

Curse this guy to find a more powerful woman as his wife in the future, and he will be suppressed by women all his life, and he will not be able to stand out!

Li Mengchen touched his nose and ate the last piece of glutinous rice dumplings on the plate. Chong Yan Mingshun stretched out his hand and shook it a few times.

"The task is completed, give me the medicine quickly, I still have important things."

Meimei asked curiously, "What's the matter with you? Isn't it a date with a girl?"

She was joking, but a suspicious blush appeared on Li Mengchen's face, which was fleeting.

"It's none of your business, go away, if there are difficult things that can't be solved in the future, just come to me, I'm most happy to help!"

Li Mengchen took those precious worms from the laboratory and left unrestrainedly. There was only half a day left to make an appointment with that hateful woman, and he couldn't be late!

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