80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 2099: It's not for the money

Meimei's press conference caused a great uproar in the national film and television circle.

One is a leader like Great Wall, and the other is a little-known small company. Is this Huanyu company too stupid to know the sky and the sky, or does it have a big backer behind it, so it is unscrupulous?

At the same time that Zhao Xueer held a press conference, he asked a lawyer to file a lawsuit, claiming that Huanyu Company had violated the law, and asked the GD General Administration to ban the broadcast of this plagiarized TV series.

But Wu Yue had already said hello to Ouyang Xiangming. It is better to manage the county now. With Ouyang Xiangming there, it is impossible for this TV series to be taken off the shelves for a while.

As for Kyoto TV, it's too lazy to care about your bullshit!

The TV station only cares about the ratings and interests. As long as the TV series can bring advertising benefits to the TV station, Kyoto TV station doesn't care whether you plagiarize or not, who can live with the money!

Although Meimei is angry, she knows that the domestic awareness of copyright is not strong now, even if it is more than ten years, it will not be as strong.

She remembered that there was a very famous producer in her previous life, who relied on plagiarism and adapted several popular dramas along the way, and even became a gold medal producer. In the end, a famous writer who was plagiarized was really unbearable. The producer of the lawsuit filed a lawsuit. Although the writer won the lawsuit, the producer lost nothing.

He even copied it more grandly, not even the last bit of shame, but there are still many audiences who bought it, it is really sad!

In addition, there are countless pieces of plagiarism of this type, some won the lawsuit, some lost, but no matter what the result is, there is no binding force on these shameless plagiarists.

Because what they basically pursue is the supremacy of money, conscience, three views, morality... all of them can be thrown aside.

What could be more important than banknotes?

This has been the case for more than ten years, and it will only be more difficult to file a copyright lawsuit at this time.

But no matter how difficult it is, you have to fight, why can't justice defeat evil?

Why do people who work hard and diligently fail to get the same value in return, while those who steal the achievements of others can easily become winners in life?

Some people say that this is the unspoken rule of the rivers and lakes. If you are in the rivers and lakes, you must accept it!

Damn it, the rules of the rivers and lakes!

Meimei is really aggrieved for those who are powerless and powerful, but who are obviously talented, but have to accept these dark rules. Since she still has a backer now, she will fire the first shot of justice!

Let everyone know that stealing is shameful and not worth promoting!

"Meimei, even if we win this lawsuit, I'm afraid we won't get any practical benefits." Zhao Xueer was very worried.

Cinderella has already been released, and it has achieved good ratings, so that Universal can sell the show to more TV stations and make more money.

If the GD General Administration doesn't order the ban, they can't stop the spread of this drama at all.

There are so many TV stations across the country, even if only 10% of the TV stations broadcast ~www.readwn.com~ Huanyu Company can make a lot of money, and they can't get this money at all.

He has a thousand ways to hide his property, and Wu Zhengsi also has it.

Damn, as long as he thinks of so much money being taken away, Zhao Xueer's heartache is unbearable.

His eyebrows were white, and he said coldly, "I don't want practical benefits. The purpose of my lawsuit is to ruin the reputation of Huanyu Company and make it impossible to get along in the film and television industry, and to let other colleagues see clearly that plagiarists will not end well. !"

She doesn't care about money at all!

She wants to rectify the rules of this circle, even if it is difficult, she has to try!

Zhao Xue is heartbroken... He cares about money!

How can the rules be so easy to change, the little cousin is so innocent... alas!

Heart hurts!

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