80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 2116: baby is gone

Yan Mingda didn't go for a long time. He came back in less than a quarter of an hour. He had some herbs in his hands, all of which were used to clear away heat and detoxify.

"I found some antipyretics and fed the grass juice to Xiaobao, it should be able to reduce the fever. I also found this, but I don't know its name, but it is the most powerful for poisonous mosquito bites, as long as the leaves are pasted On the wound, the swelling will subside the next day..."

Yan Mingda got closer and closer, chattering in his mouth, with a very happy expression on his face.

The vegetation on this mountain is very rich, there are all kinds of herbs, and it doesn't take long to find a lot of them, and they are all good medicines for the symptoms. As long as the medicine is used, Xiaobao will be well. Okay.


Yan Mingda walked into Wu Yue, but found that Wu Yue was sitting on the ground holding Xiao Bao, crying silently.

He panicked in his heart and hurriedly asked, "What's wrong with Xiaobao?"

Wu Yue bit the tip of her tongue hard, and tears flowed from her eyes, "Brother Mingda...Xiaobao...he...he..."

After only half of the talk, Wu Yue couldn't continue, crying bitterly and pounding her chest, "Xiaobao...it's my mother who is sorry for you...poor little treasure...you dig my heart. what……"

Yan Mingda's heart sank to the bottom. He snatched Xiaobao from Wu Yue's arms. The little guy who was hot when he left was not so hot now, his face was blue and purple, and he couldn't breathe.

"What the **** happened? Wasn't it fine when I left?"

Yan Mingda raised his voice, he couldn't believe his eyes, a good little man, how could he say that he is gone!

"It's all my fault, it's me who killed Xiaobao... Not long after you left, Xiaobao started to cramp, and I couldn't save him... woo... I'm so useless... watching Xiao Bao helplessly. Treasure...but there's nothing I can do..."

Wu Yue said intermittently, these are the excuses she just thought of, it is normal for a child to have a high fever and cause convulsions, Yan Mingda definitely can't see the problem.

"Why didn't I die, my little treasure... my poor little treasure..."

Wu Yue Gu Zi cried, one after another, she looked like a heartbroken mother who had lost her child, and the acting couldn't be more realistic.

Yan Mingda didn't have the slightest suspicion. He thought that Xiaobao had an accident because of a high fever, and not only secretly blamed himself.

If he came back earlier, Xiaobao might not have an accident.

Why doesn't he hurry up any more!

The sky was getting darker gradually~www.readwn.com~ The mountain was so dark that I could not see my fingers, and there were densely packed mosquitoes around the torches, making people feel hairy all over.

Meimei's whole body was tightly wrapped, but she was bitten by mosquitoes in a few places, which was surprisingly itchy.

"So many mosquitoes, will Xiaobao have an accident?"

Meimei was very worried about Xiaobao. The white and tender Xiaobao must be a food for mosquitoes, and she wore few clothes in summer. Wu Yue and the others fled in a hurry, so they would definitely not prepare too many clothes for Xiaobao.

The more she thought about it, the more worried she became, but after chasing it all the way, she still didn't catch up with Wu Yue and the others.

Yan Mingsheng's expression was stern, and he had already thought of his frowning worries.

There are more poisonous mosquitoes on the mountain than he expected, and they are also very poisonous. If Wu Yue and the others are not found again, Xiaobao will definitely have an accident.

"Ming Shao, there are traces of urine here." Someone hurried over to report.

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