80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 2118: ball out

Qiuqiu dragged Little Treasure over with a single claw, and he didn't care to explain to Meimei that this little guy still has a little bit of vitality, but it may dissipate at any time. .

Sad Meimei saw Qiuqiu taking a deep breath first, then kissing Xiaobao on the mouth, passing the breath in, and after three breaths, Qiuqiu stopped, and his expression looked a little wilted. pause.

The uncle has lost a lot of money. The little dragon energy that he finally saved up is divided into 10% to the little guy. With this dragon energy, this little guy will have a good life in the future!

Cheap this little thing!

"Qiuqiu, what are you doing?" Meimei asked curiously.

Yan Mingsheng patted her on the shoulder and told her not to disturb Qiuqiu.

If he guessed correctly, Qiuqiu must be saving Xiaobao.

This gluttonous and somewhat wretched little squirrel has an extraordinary origin, it must have a deep meaning in doing so, maybe Xiaobao can survive!

Qiuqiu was exhausted, and he had no strength, so he fell into Meimei's arms and said weakly, "The little thing is alright."

The eyebrows were overjoyed and wanted to ask more clearly, but Qiuqiu was really exhausted and had closed his eyes, probably asleep.

"Thank you baby, thank you very much..."

Meimei hugged Qiuqiu tightly and kissed and kissed it on the head. Qiuqiu had done so many things for her, but she could only provide chocolate, and I really owed Qiuqiu.

Qiuqiu closed his eyes and snorted, knowing that he owes him a good deal. In the future, he will give him more chocolate, so don't dig in and shrink.

Meimei put the **** in the bag, and put a few more chocolates on purpose, so that the **** can wake up and eat them.

Yan Mingshun has been observing Xiaobao. He found that after Qiuqiu finished breathing, Xiaobao miraculously resumed his breathing within a few minutes, and his bruised face became more beautiful.

The little guy is alive!


Xiaobao smelled the familiar smell, and hummed happily, and Little Fat's paws kept poking over to Meimei.

Little by little, getting closer... Finally, when he met Meimei's face, Xiaobao smiled contentedly.

Meimei felt the softness on her face, and was pleasantly surprised to find that Xiaobao was smiling happily at her. The little guy was wearing a bag all over his face, but he was still as innocent and cute as before.

"Xiaobao, you're all right at last... You scared my aunt to death..."

Meimei cried and laughed while hugging Xiaobao. Yan Mingshun blocked the sight of others for her. She took out a little spirit potion and fed it to Xiaobao.

Although Xiaobao woke up, his body was still very weak, and his forehead was hot, obviously having a fever.

The other subordinates were also very happy to see the little guy come back to life~www.readwn.com~, and they didn't think much about it. They thought that Little Treasure was in suspended animation before, and as long as there was sufficient oxygen, he would wake up.

"Brother, do you think Xiaobao is..." Meimei asked suspiciously.

Xiaobao just has a fever, no matter how serious it is, it is impossible to die, let alone such a short time, Xiaobao's fever can't be too serious.

So why was Xiaobao buried in the mound?

Was it abandoned by Wu Yue and Yan Mingda?

If this is the case, these two **** are not qualified to live in this world anymore!

Yan Mingshun shook his head, "There must be a secret, Mingda is not such a person."

No one knows his stupid younger brother better than him, no matter how infatuated he is with Wu Yue, it won't be to the point of taking his life.

What's more, the object is a child under the age of one!

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