80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 2121: wait for the rabbit

Yan Mingshun did not continue to climb the mountain. He went directly to the city under the mountain. The mountain was densely covered with jungles. It was difficult to find Yan Mingda and Wu Yue in the sky.

Wu Yue will definitely go to the bank to withdraw the five million.

This woman is so suspicious that she doesn't put money on herself, how can she feel at ease?

And they also need to go to supply, so he just needs to guard the city at the foot of the mountain.

He looked at the map, and the mountain turned over to Shishi, the capital of the neighboring province of Kyoto. It was a traffic fortress bordering the north and south. If Wu Yue wanted to leave Huaxia, he would definitely do something in Shishi.

Three days later, Wu Yue and Yan Mingda finally crossed the mountain. Both of them were disheveled and had a sour smell on their bodies, more like a beggar than a beggar.

"Find a hotel to wash up first, and then find a way to go to the south." Yan Mingda said.

He had already figured out a way back for Wu Yue. Heliance's sphere of influence was in the north, so as long as he brought Wu Yue to the south for resettlement, his safety should be safe.

But Yan Mingda didn't know that Wu Yue already had her plan!

Wu Yue concealed her inner ecstasy, and she was a big step closer to success.

As long as she gets a fake identity in Shishi, and then transfers the five million in the secret account, she has nothing to worry about!

"Okay, I have to take a shower first, it really stinks." Wu Yue also agreed.

When she finds a foothold, she will find an excuse to go out to apply for a fake identity, and then go to the bank to withdraw the five million yuan, and then she can dump Yan Mingda, a worthless fool.

Yan Mingda found a relatively clean hotel this time. The two of them only had one room, took a bath, and asked the hotel owner to buy a few dishes and bring them in for a full meal.

"Yueyue, I'm going to send you to the south. I still have some money in my hand. You take the money and go there to do some small business, and the future will not be too sad."

Yan Mingda said sincerely, he has saved all his wages in the past few years. Although it is not much, he still has more than 10,000 yuan, which is enough for Wu Yue to use the business principal!

Wu Yue's eyes lit up, this fool actually still has money?

But also, Yan Mingshun is so rich that he buys jewelry for Zhao Mei for hundreds of thousands, so he will definitely not treat his only younger brother badly.

Wu Yue pretended to say: "How can I spend your money, you still keep it yourself, and I can make money even if I pick up the garbage and carry the bags."

Yan Mingda looked disapproving, "How can a girl pick up garbage and carry bags? Although I don't have much money, you must have enough principal to do business. When you get to the south, I'll give you the money!"

Wu Yue frowned slightly~www.readwn.com~ How much money does this fool have?

Yan Mingda has no concept of money since he was a child. Ten yuan is not much, a hundred yuan is not much, and ten thousand yuan is not much for him, as long as he has money in his pocket to spend.

So Wu Yue is really not sure. Yan Mingda said that there is not much money, so why is there not much law?

But Yan Mingshun is so rich, so he shouldn't be too **** his younger brother, right?

So there must be hundreds of thousands of Yan Mingda!

Wu Yue couldn't help but be overjoyed and changed the plan. Yan Mingda, this fool, had to get the money she had, who would be afraid of more money!

So she has to hook up with Yan Mingda for the time being, and then dump him when she gets to the south side!

Wu Yue remembered the five million in the secret account in her heart. After eating, she made an excuse to go out and did not let Yan Mingda follow.

Yan Mingda saw Wu Yue's hurrying back from the window, and thoughtfully followed.

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