80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 2126: The truth is hard to accept

Yan Mingshun was really afraid. Without Qiuqiu, Xiaobao would surely die. At that point, Heliance would never let Yan Mingda go, and even he couldn't keep his brother.

This matter was originally a matter of sternness and rationality. Heliance would take care of whatever he did. If it was him, if Meimei was hurt, he would do anything to deal with the person who hurt Meimei.

"Why are you so stupid, over and over again, being used by this woman to do stupid things, buying dynamite for her and killing He Biyun three years ago, and now you are offending Heliance and Xiaobao for her..."

Yan Mingshun scolded and beat, but Yan Mingda didn't resist, just held his head in both hands and endured silently.

He did have an inescapable responsibility for Xiaobao's death, so he was willing to be beaten.

"I'm sorry... I didn't know Xiaobao would have an accident. It's my fault!"

Yan Mingda muttered, his expression very painful.

"How can such a small child be brought into the deep mountains and old forests without incident? Are you out of your mind?"

Yan Ming took another kick in a smooth manner. He used skillful energy, so although Yan Mingda looked scarred, he was not injured internally.

Yan Mingda covered his face in pain, tears streaming down his fingers, "It's my fault, I killed Xiaobao..."

Yan Mingshun was stunned for a while, and then he reacted. Yan Mingda, the idiot, must have thought that Xiaobao was dead. He didn't tell the truth, so let this idiot misunderstand like this.

"You are at fault, but the real murderer is her. She killed Xiaobao!"

Yan Mingshun had disgust in his eyes. He had never seen such a cruel woman, more cruel than Tan Shufang back then.

Tan Shufang abused him because he was not Tan Shufang's biological son. For Yan Mingda, Tan Shufang took good care of him. So although Tan Shufang was a bad person, she was a good mother.

But what did Wuyue do to Xiaobao?

For his own selfish desires, he did not hesitate to poison a newborn child, and even poisoned his own son.

It is simply not worthy of being called a human being, not even a beast!

Yan Mingshun thought about it carefully, and then wanted to understand why Xiaobao had an accident. It must be Wu Yue who disliked the inconvenience of escaping with Xiaobao, and made a ruthless attack on him.

If he guessed correctly, Wu Yue covered Xiaobao's mouth and nose with her hands, causing Xiaobao to suffocate to death.

Yan Mingda kept shaking his head, "No, big brother, Xiaobao's convulsions are caused by fever, and it has nothing to do with Yueyue..."

"Idiot, I have found Xiaobao's body, and let the forensic examine it, Xiaobao died of suffocation!"

Yan Mingsuan said this on purpose, and he kept paying attention to Wu Yue from the corner of his eyes, and found that a trace of panic flashed on her face~www.readwn.com~ was more certain that his guess was correct.

Sure enough, he is a bitch!

Yan Mingda looked at Yan Mingshun in disbelief, and then at Wu Yue, how could he have died of suffocation?

Yan Mingsuan continued to ask: "When Xiaobao had an accident, were you not there?"

Yan Mingda nodded stupidly, "I'm going to find Xiaobao an antipyretic."

"While you were leaving, Wu Yue killed Xiao Bao, and then lied to you that Xiao Bao was convulsing because of a high fever. Only you stupid pig would believe it!"

Yan Ming took another kick, but fortunately, Xiaobao met Qiuqiu and recovered a small life. Otherwise, Yan Mingda would definitely die, and the Liangzi between him and Heliance also became big. Not the result he wants to see now.

"Yueyue she lied to me...Impossible...Yueyue she can't lie to me..."

Yan Mingda actually believed it, but his emotions were unwilling to believe it, and it was extremely painful.

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