80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 2138: dying repentance

"Young Master Ce, someone has already sent it over." His subordinates reported to Helian Ce.

"Bring it over to the experts for inspection." Helianze ordered coldly.

Xiaobao turned one year old yesterday. He asked an expert to check Xiaobao early in the morning. The expert said that Xiaobao's eyes can be cured, and the earlier the better, one year old is the best time for surgery.

In addition, Wu Yue is Xiaobao's biological mother, the fit must be very good, reaching the most perfect level!

This operation was performed in secret, but Ning Chenxuan didn't know that for Xiaobao's operation, he built this private hospital with complete facilities. The equipment in the hospital is all first-class in the world, not even in military hospitals. Such good equipment.

These experts are also the world's top ophthalmologists. For them, corneal transplantation is easier than eating a steak, and they can complete the perfect operation with their eyes closed.

However, the astronomical price Heliance offered was enough to make these experts excited, and they rushed over to create light for Xiaobao together.

Wu Yue was pushed in, and when she saw Heliance, she shivered subconsciously. The hell-like life that lasted for half a month made her fear Heliance from the bottom of her heart.

She has always been awake. When she was brought in, she looked at the surrounding environment. It looked like a hospital, but it didn't look like it because it was too deserted. There were no patients and no doctors. It looked like a laboratory.

Wu Yue had a strong sense of unease in her heart, and she realized that something bad would definitely happen next.

A group of blond and blue-eyed foreigners gathered around, murmuring in foreign languages, and shining a flashlight into her eyes. Wu Yue felt that she was like a pig waiting to be slaughtered, and she might be stabbed at any time.

"The cornea is very good, very dynamic, and there is no inflammation," an expert told Helenze, adding that surgery could be done immediately.

"Then let's get started!"

Heliance is also very happy, his little treasure will soon be able to see the light again!

Wu Yue finally understood that her eyes were going to be gouged out. No wonder she had to wash her eyes with dew water every day for the past six months, and she would also eat those bright-eyed ingredients, no...she don't want to become blind!

"Young Master Ce... I beg you... I don't want to be blind, please let me go..." Wu Yue begged for mercy loudly, struggling violently on the operating table, and she regretted it completely now.

Regret everything she has done over the years!

If she listens to He Biyun, studies hard, and doesn't expect too many things that don't belong to her, then she will not be reduced to where she is today, maybe she will marry Yan Mingda, a fool~www.readwn.com~ live a smooth life Enron's life.

Yan Mingda, this fool, will definitely be obedient to her, not let her worry at all, and she will definitely live happily!

At this moment, Wu Yue finally understood the true meaning of happiness, but it was too late, life could not be turned back, nor could she start all over again!

"Mom... Brother Minda... I'm sorry... I was wrong..."

Wu Yue murmured, tears streaming from the corners of her eyes, the two people who loved her the most, one was killed by her own hands, and the other was abandoned by her!

She really regrets it!

If she could come again, she must not fight against Zhao Mei, what's wrong with marrying Yan Mingda and becoming a concubine with Zhao Mei?

A burst of pain came, Wu Yue fell into a coma, didn't know anything, was pushed into the operating room, and at the same time, Xiao Bao, who had grown up a lot, was pushed in.

Heliance kissed Xiaobao on the forehead, and after watching for a long time, he was pushed forward, with worry and hope in his eyes.

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