80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 2153: The heart of the villain must also have

After drinking the **** syrup boiled by Aunt Fang, Meimei felt less pain in her lower abdomen. To be on the safe side, she took another spiritual pill. Every time she came to her aunt, she would take one a day, which was very effective.

Sure enough, after a breakfast, the dull pain in Meimei's stomach disappeared, except for the pain in the waist, the whole body was relieved.

"I'm going to school, bye!"

After Meimei finished eating the last one on the plate, she nibbled on Yan Mingshun's face with the oily mouth, and ran away triumphantly.

Yan Mingshun took a tissue, wiped the oil stains on his face, and then asked the back of the eyebrows, "Don't eat spicy ice."

"Understood... Butler..."

The voice of the lark came from the yard, Yan Mingshun shook his head and smiled, a little helpless, but more pampering.

As soon as she arrived at the school, Meimei went to the dormitory. She wanted to ask about Qiqige. A few days ago, Qiqige's father went to see horses in the UK. Everything at Qiqige's house was decided by her father, and her mother never cared about it. I'm sorry, so the phone didn't get through.

Now that Qiqiige's father should be back, she has to ask, but she can't see Qiqiige, a silly girl, sent to her door as a fertility machine.

You can get married, but not for this reason!

Why did Chang Qingsong's mother make this request?

Ren Qianqian and Qi Qige were not in the dormitory, and frowned. Ren Qianqian lived with Ying Jugang in the house they bought together during this time, and it was normal not to be in the dormitory.

But Qiqige was not in the dormitory, indicating that she slept with Chang Qingsong.

Cohabitation before marriage is of course not impossible, but the problem is that she now feels that Chang Qingsong is really not a good match. If nothing else, he acquiesced to his mother's unreasonable request, and he was not ready to give Qiqi a wedding ceremony. I feel that such a man cannot be trusted for life.

At least evergreen pine remains to be seen.

Therefore, its character is really not suitable for cohabitation now, it will be very passive.

Meimei first called Ren Qianqian's mobile phone. The girl was still lying on the bed, sleepy. As soon as she was not in the dormitory, she immediately woke up.

"Idiot, I told her to not live with Chang Qingsong, and she was completely ignored. Chang Qingsong is really nothing, he must have it on his mind, he just wants to cook raw rice and mature it. Fan, let this silly girl not escape his grasp!"

Ren Qianqian was cursing, and she could feel her rage through the microphone.

Her brows were furrowed. Although Ren Qianqian's remarks were somewhat petty~www.readwn.com~, it was not unreasonable. Before this, Chang Qingsong had always treated her with courtesy. He also said to save the most precious first time to the wedding night.

At that time, both she and Ren Qianqian thought that Chang Qingsong had a good character, but what happened now?

She doesn't believe that a man and a widow stay alone for one night, just chatting with the pure quilt.

Ren Qianqian quickly rushed to the school and said angrily, "I called Qiqi's pager and asked her to die for me. I can't scold her to death!"

Qiqi came a little late, his hair was not combed properly, and he was out of breath. He should have run over from the school gate.

"What's the hurry?"

Ren Qianqian only left a message on the pager, saying that she should rush back to the dormitory in half an hour, otherwise she would break up the relationship, so frightened that she ignored Chang Qingsong's retention and rushed back in a hurry.

Ren Qianqian dragged Qiqige and went to the lotus pond. There were many people in the dormitory who were hard to talk to. When she got to the lotus pond, Ren Qianqian didn't say hello, she tore off Qiqige's collar and white neck. There, there are several ambiguous strawberry prints.

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