80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 2162: sneak attack

These two men were Ning Chenxuan's subordinates, and under Ning Chenxuan's order, they finally sneaked into the backyard of the farm, preparing to attack the ugly, so that Ning Chenxuan's red rabbit horse could win the championship.

Originally, these two subordinates thought that Ning Chenxuan was superfluous, but now it seems that their husband did have foresight.

"Wait until the woman is gone?" The two looked hesitant.

They stayed in this place for most of the night, just for this short half-hour, because during this time the horse field was the loosest in defense, and they could escape smoothly after the action.

But now that there is one more person, this is a bit tricky!

"Can't wait, act now or we'll all be here."

"Okay, let's do it when the horse comes."

The two reached an agreement, staring straight ahead, Ugly carrying his eyebrows and gradually approaching, the two of them had a few more throwing knives in their hands. In less than a week, if you are injured by a flying knife, you will definitely not be able to participate in the competition.

Ning Chenxuan's intentions are really vicious!

It was only in May at this time, and beautiful wildflowers were blooming everywhere on the grassland, red, white, yellow, and purple, dotted among the dense weeds, which were particularly beautiful.

Eyebrows were hot, Qiuqiu stayed at Helianqing's place and couldn't work for her, so she directed Chou Chou to pick flowers.

"The red daisy, and the white one too... It's awesome, I'll give you a candy!"

Ugly is very smart, as long as the eyebrows are pointed, its flexible tongue will be rolled up, and the beautiful flowers will be in the mouth, and then raised and handed to the eyebrows, and soon there will be a large bunch of beautiful flowers in the hands of the eyebrows Son.

The eyebrows were red and inserted in the ear, and the ugly one was also inserted.

"It's so beautiful, Ugly is the most handsome horse, the most beautiful horse." Meimei hugged Ugly's neck happily, and tickled it.

Chou Chou snorted and slandered to himself, knowing that he was the most handsome, and giving him such a frustrating name, the ball boss always used this name to laugh at him, he was happy!

"Oh, Chou Chou, you are almost four years old. You are an adult. You can find a daughter-in-law. What do you like, Chou Chou, who is as white as your mother? Or is it as black as you?"

Looking at his brows and fingers, he was surprised to find that the foals back then were all grown ups. There was a sense of pride in my family's grown-up son, and he was even more worried about his ugly son's life-long affairs.

Ugly snorted disdainfully, and ordinary vulgar horses don't look down on him. If he couldn't find it, he would rather be a bachelor for the rest of his life.

Meimei was tired from sitting~www.readwn.com~ This time, the aunt was very strange, with a sore back and stomach pain, but after riding for a while, her small waist was about to break.

"Ugly, I want to lie down for a while, please slow down!"

Meimei was facing the sky, she just lay back on Chou Chou's broad back, and even closed her eyes, Chou Chou slowed down and walked very steadily, the uniform rhythm made Mei Mei drowsy.


Chou Chou suddenly raised his head to the sky and howled, suddenly leaping, at least one meter above the ground, a few white lights shot past its feet, and one of them almost hit its front hoof, dangerous and dangerous.

Meimei almost fell off, but fortunately, even in a critical moment, Chou Chou did not forget the owner on her back, and took care of her from time to time, Mei Mei was dangerously hung on Chou Chou's body, and her sleepiness was so frightened that she subconsciously grabbed With an ugly mane, his mind didn't react.

What the **** is going on?

A few more white lights shot over, Ugly flexibly avoided, but he couldn't help but run more bumpy, his eyebrows were shaken, blood surged up, and his chest was nauseated again!

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