80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 2181: Two hundred and twenty IQ

Little Treasure stood on tiptoe, stretched out his fat paws to Meimei's lower abdomen, touched it gently, showed a happy smile, and his eyes were sparkling.

Auntie has a baby in her belly, and she can play with him in the future!

Looking at Xiaobao's appearance, Meimei seemed to feel that she was pregnant, but she felt that it was impossible. Could Xiaobao have a see-through eye?

"Xiaobao, what are you touching?" Meimei asked softly.

"Mmmm..." Xiaobao still didn't speak, just patted Meimei's stomach lightly, and another drop of bright saliva dripped down, grinning, revealing Bai Shengsheng's little deciduous teeth.

"Do you want the little baby inside to come out and play with you?" Meimei asked tentatively.


Xiaobao nodded, but quickly shook his head again, took out the biscuits he had hidden before from his trouser pocket, and put it on Meimei's stomach, Meimei understood what he meant at a glance.

The little guy wants the baby in her belly to eat biscuits, grow up quickly, and come out to play with him earlier!

She felt warm in her heart, picked up Little Treasure and kissed it heavily, how could it be so painful!

"Xiaobao, don't worry, in nine months, the little brother or the little sister will be able to play with you, and you will be the big brother in the future!" Meimei whispered in Xiaobao's ear, regardless of the little guy Can you understand.

But she felt that Xiaobao would definitely understand, and sure enough, after listening to her words, Xiaobao nodded his head solemnly, his face full of seriousness.

He is the big brother!

Start eating more rice and meat tomorrow. He wants to protect his aunt's baby and prevent others from bullying him (her)!

"Xiaobao, you are so smart, how can you be so smart... I love you to death!"

Meimei couldn't help kissing the little guy's fat cheek a few more times. Xiaobao's IQ is absolutely amazing. It's incredible that a two-year-old baby can understand so many words.

"Did you take Xiaobao to test his IQ? I think Xiaobao's IQ must be very high, and he is very talented in art, so he can't be buried!" Meimei reminded.

The smile on Mei Shuhan's face suddenly disappeared, and he frowned slightly. He didn't hide it from her, and said, "Ning Chenxuan has already asked someone to test Xiaobao, and his IQ is indeed very high."

"How many?"

"220." Mei Shuhan's face was a little helpless.

Meimei was startled, her voice sounded like her neck was being strangled, and she screamed, "220? Could it be a mistake?"

How could it be so high?

She just ~www.readwn.com~ just got out of the mentally retarded level, barely reaching the level of ordinary people's intelligence, but she thinks it's enough, anyway, she doesn't think she's stupider than others now, she's quite smart.

Yan Mingshun is 140 and falls into the category of geniuses.

Meimei felt that this test was relatively accurate. Yan Mingshun's IQ was indeed top-notch. Back then, if he just learned casually, he could guarantee the top three in all grades!

Even with those high-tech technologies, such as computer language, and emerging technologies such as hacking technology, Yan Mingshun has no foundation, but with a little guidance from others, plus his own reading and research, he seems to be a very powerful hacker. Now, although it is not as good as a top hacker like Li Mengchen, it can be considered an international ranking.

The IQ of 140 is so powerful, isn't 220 necessary every day?

Is this still a human brain?

Meimei looked suspiciously at Xiaobao, who was concentrating on playing with the big clown. He really couldn't believe that this little guy had an IQ of 220!

As far as she knew, even Einstein had only 160!

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