80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 2233: 150,000 sold

The people who Meimei sent to stare at Qiu Anna would report to her every day. When she heard that Tang Manli not only saved Qiu Anna, but also became a good best friend with her, Meimei didn't understand what the girl wanted to do?

Ren Qianqian didn't understand, "Could it be that Tang Manli said that on purpose, in fact, she wanted to protect Qiu Anna? Damn... Could she and Qiu Anna be good sisters? Why didn't I see it..."

Meimei shook her head, "Impossible, Tang Manli should have a back move, let's see."

Fortunately, it didn't take long for the big play to start.

"Young madam, Tang Manli introduced Qiu Anna to the job of selling cigars to the rich, and said she would keep her safe. Qiu Anna's business is very good. She is very grateful to Tang Manli now." The stalker reported again.

Meimei understood Tang Manli's intention as soon as she heard it, she was trying to lure Qiu Anna into the abyss step by step!

What a great way!

Qiu Anna used to ridicule Tang Manli that her money was not clean, she earned money from sleeping with a young lady, but now Tang Manli sent Qiu Anna to the rich and made her become the same person as herself.

A few days later, Joanna made further progress.

"Tang Manli secretly auctioned off Qiu Anna on the first night of the rich, and now the auction has reached 100,000, and Qiu Anna is not aware of it."

Her eyebrows rounded her eyes. Tang Manli's move was really cruel. Not only did she get revenge, she also had to pay a lot of money, killing two birds with one stone!

"An old client of a rich man took the picture of 150,000 yuan. This old client has some special hobbies and made Tang Manli suffer a lot in the past. This time she specially invited her here." .

The eyebrows settled down, Tang Manli really hated Qiu Anna, and arranged for a perverted guest on the first night, I am afraid that half of her life would have to be tossed out!

But no sympathy at all!


Qiu Anna was lying on the big bed covered in bruises and wounds, with no good flesh left on her body, she was dying.

Everything last night was like hell, she didn't even think about it.

There was the sound of Xixi Susuo, who was wearing clothes, and Qiu Anna felt a chill in her heart, her body trembled, and she didn't dare to move, for fear that this demon would attack her again.

"Although it's a little dark, this leather is really good, and it's worth it for 150,000..."

The man got dressed and returned to his splendid clothes, and it was impossible to tell from his appearance that he was a person with special hobbies.

Qiu Anna trembled, what does 150,000 mean?

"What is 150,000?" Joanna raised her head and summoned the courage to ask, she had to figure it out.

Seeing the scarred Qiu Anna~www.readwn.com~, the man's eyes were even more excited, and he lowered his head and said, "You make me happy, I'll tell you!"

Qiu Anna felt ashamed, but she still gritted her teeth and served the man. She had been with him for one night, and she didn't care about one more time. Now she just wanted to know what happened to 150,000.


The man put on his trousers contentedly, and said in Qiu Anna's ear, "You are the beauty that I spent 150,000 to get back, but I don't lose anything, the high-caliber student of Kyoto University is still a virgin, so worth it... Haha Ha ha!"

The man laughed smugly and left the room, leaving Qiu Anna, who was pale, and her mind was in a mess.

who sold her?

Obviously she only sells cigars in the rich, she never thought of selling cigars!

Qiu Anna was very thoughtful, and she quickly suspected Tang Manli. She endured the pain in her body and wanted to find Tang Manli to settle the account. When the door was pushed open, Tang Manli walked in with a smile and left a stack of photos behind. in front of her.

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