80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 2242: radiation infection

Meimei wanted to get up to answer the phone, but Grandma Yang held her down, "I'll pick it up, you eat spring rolls."

Yan Mingshun heard the voice of his grandmother on the phone, and was stunned for a while, and quickly said: "Grandma, is Meimei at home? You let her answer the phone!"

Grandma Yang wanted to have a few words with her eldest grandson, whom she hadn't seen for a long time, but she heard Yan Mingshun's tone of voice was very urgent, so she gave the microphone to Meimei, "Mingshun is looking for you, it seems that she is in a hurry."

Meimei took the phone suspiciously, and before he could speak, Yan Mingshun said, "Someone will come to get the spirit potion in half an hour, you give him more."

"Brother, are you injured?"

Her brows sank to the bottom, and she blurted out the question. Grandma Yang on the side also changed her face.

"No, something happened to a comrade-in-arms and he needed a lot of spirit potions to save his life." Yan Mingshun explained simply, with unconcealed worry in his tone.

Meimei felt it. It seemed that this comrade-in-arms must have a very close relationship with Yan Mingshun. Although she was sad, she was still relieved. Fortunately, it was not Yan Mingshun who had the accident.

"Okay, I'll prepare now, are two pots enough?"

"Okay, I'll talk to you later."

Yan Mingshun hung up the phone quickly, looking really in a hurry.

"Mei Mei, did something happen to Ming Shun?" Grandma Yang was very worried.

"No, Brother Ming Shun's comrade-in-arms was seriously injured. He asked people to come and get the special medicine. I'll go get it now." Brows comforted softly, and the old lady breathed a sigh of relief, "Then go and get it, alas... I'm sorry, I hope you get better soon."

Meimei ran to the room and poured two large pots of potions for military use. Soon someone came to the door. After talking to Uncle Lao for the password, Uncle Lao let him in to get the medicine.

"God bless that person to get better."

Meimei put her hands together, bowed a few times, and prayed for the injured.

A military hospital in southern Xinjiang

Yan Mingshun came back from the phone with a worried face. He looked at Yan Mingda lying in the isolation cabin through the glass window, frowning.

It was Yan Mingda who had the accident, and the potion was taken for him.

Yan Mingda was infected by radiation, and it was a severe infection. If it wasn't for the elixir that Yan Mingshun had prepared on his body, Yan Mingda would not have survived now.

But Yan Mingda was not out of danger at this time and needed a lot of elixir for treatment. While Yan Mingshun was worried, he secretly rejoiced that fortunately it was not a dead end!

"Boss, the medicine is here!"

His subordinates came forward to report, and when he got off the plane, he rushed over without stopping.

Yan Mingshun put on radiation protection clothes~www.readwn.com~ fully armed and did not reveal a bit of skin. Yan Mingda was severely infected. He himself has become a radiation source. If he does not wear radiation protection clothes, he may be infected. .

The isolation cabin is full of medicines prepared by the hospital to relieve Yan Mingda's pain, but it has little effect.

He poured a pot of potion into the cabin, which could repair Yan Mingda's skin. The potion had just been poured in, and Yan Mingda, who was in a coma, obviously felt cool and comfortable. Although he was still awake, he didn't look as painful as before.

Yan Mingshun breathed a sigh of relief, it would be good if there was an effect, at least Yan Mingda's life could be saved.

As for the sequelae, Yan Mingshun didn't even dare to think about it, he just wanted to save his brother's life now.

He fed Yan Mingda a few more drops of the spirit potion, Yan Mingda sucked thirsty, and drank a small half of the pot after a while. It seemed that his state was obviously better, and Yan Mingshun's heart was relieved.

As long as Yan Mingda's body is stable, he can be transferred to the Kyoto Military Region Hospital. The facilities on the southern border are not as complete as those in Kyoto.

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