80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 2245: Crazy want to die together

When Mr. Yan heard that his little grandson had won the special award, he was extremely proud and said with emotion: "You are right, Mingda is more suitable for the army."

With Mingda's IQ, you can't even think about getting ahead in studying. At most, you can go to an ordinary university and study an ordinary major. In the future, you will find an ordinary job, and your life will be ordinary.

Life can be seen at a glance, although mediocrity is also a kind of happiness, but Mr. Yan does not want his grandson to become such a person.

The greatest sadness of a person is that when he is about to die, he looks back on his life and finds that he has done nothing in his life, and achieved nothing...

Mr. Yan has always regarded this sentence as his motto, and at the same time asked his son and grandson in the same way. He has given up his son, but his grandson still has hope.

Grandma Yang stuck out most of her body from the kitchen with a spatula and shouted proudly, "Can my eldest grandson be wrong? One hundred times stronger than you, the old man!"

Stimulating the old man, the old lady was extremely happy, humming a little tune and continuing to cook, feeling so good that she flew up.

Both grandchildren have successful careers, and the grandson's daughter-in-law is happy, and will soon be able to hold a great grandson. Everything is so beautiful... The only fly in the ointment is that Mingda has not married a daughter-in-law yet.

Grandma Yang thought to herself that when she went to the disco in the park tomorrow, she asked the old sisters to inquire about a good girl. Although her family Mingda looks a little ordinary, she is young and promising, and she should be able to find a good match!

After hearing Grandma Yang's words, Mr. Yan was not unhappy at all, but rather cheerful. The old man, who had recovered from a serious illness, was much more open-minded and open-minded. Nothing could compare to a healthy and healthy family.

Yan Mingshun lowered his head, he felt guilty...

I feel even more sorry for my grandparents and brothers.

If Mingda goes to college, even if his life is mediocre, at least he is healthy, which is not a bad thing!

But now...

Yan Mingshun can't even imagine Yan Mingda's future, severe radiation infection... There is no cure at present, and even the best doctors in China can't guarantee Mingda's recovery.

Meimei saw his self-blame, patted Yan Mingshun's hand quietly, and comforted him with his eyes.

Fortunately, the two elders did not doubt, they were all immersed in the joy of Yan Mingda's meritorious service, Yan Mingshun and Meimei breathed a sigh of relief and dealt with it temporarily.

Yan Mingshun did not rest for a long time when he returned to the capital~www.readwn.com~ and soon returned to his busy work. Ning Chenxuan's crisis was imminent, and the big boss gave instructions that this lunatic must be dealt with as soon as possible.

But Ning Chenxuan was very cunning. He trained dead soldiers at the base and contacted him 24 hours a day. As long as there was trouble in the capital, Ning Chenxuan would notify the dead soldiers at the base and let them detonate the base.

Ning Chenxuan's base is not small, it is equivalent to a medium-sized base. Once it is detonated, not to mention destroying the whole country, at least a large area in the southwest will be polluted, and people's lives will not be guaranteed, and that large area of ​​fertile land, at least in It cannot be cultivated for a hundred years.

The big boss will never allow such consequences to happen. His instructions are to subdue Ning Chenxuan on the premise of ensuring the safety of the people.

Ning Chenxuan disappeared mysteriously after learning that the base had been invaded by strangers. He let his men search the capital for several days, but he didn't know where this lunatic was hiding. Therefore, it was really difficult to capture Ning Chenxuan alive. !

Yan Mingshun was very worried, another week had passed, but Ning Chenxuan was still not found, as if the world had evaporated.

But he was sure that this lunatic must still be hiding somewhere in Kyoto.

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