80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 2249: well prepared

"Ace, you mustn't let your uncle detonate the base, Xiaobao can't do anything." After Yan Mingshun left, Mei Shuhan grabbed Heliance's arm anxiously.

He is not afraid of death at all, he has earned wealth that others can't earn in dozens of lifetimes, found a confidant and partner who understands him best, his mother has also settled down, and Meimei is even more happy...

He has no regrets!

But Xiaobao is different, his life has just begun, how can he be ruined at the hands of a lunatic Ning Chenxuan?

"Ace, think about Xiaobao..." Mei Shuhan begged bitterly.

Heliance frowned and was very entangled in his heart. Of course he didn't want Xiaobao to be in trouble, but he also didn't want Ning Chenxuan to be in trouble...

"I don't want my uncle to die..." Heliance tugged at his hair in pain, it was hard to choose.

Mei Shuhan understood that his feelings for Ning Chenxuan were his biological father, and although Ning Chenxuan was not good to Heliance, he was not too bad, at least much better than his alcoholic father, Heliance entangled in reason.

"Didn't Yan Mingshun say that your uncle is hiding? You have to find your uncle before him and persuade him to give up his crazy idea of ​​being an emperor. Let's go to live abroad. I have already transferred most of my assets to Switzerland and bought them A medium-sized island, no one will disturb us, we can live well..."

Mei Shuhan talked about his plan. He had secretly arranged these things five years ago. At that time, he actually had a bad premonition, but he didn't expect it to come so quickly!

He couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, fortunately he was already prepared!

After being persuaded by Mei Shuhan, Heliance's thoughts were clarified. He squeezed out a smile, hugged Xiaobao who was lying on the sofa earnestly eating biscuits, and kissed him heavily.

Xiaobao pushed him away in disgust, wiped the saliva from his face with the back of his hand, and slid down to continue eating the cookies.

Dad has a lot of beards, and it hurts his flesh every time. It's better for my uncle, and it will be delicious.

"I'm going to find my uncle now."

Heliance strode out, it is not too late, he must find his uncle before Yan Mingshun, Mei Shuhan is right, their family can go abroad to live, not only Mei Shuhan is prepared, he also arranged.

Going abroad, Heliance is still a good man!

"Do you know where your uncle is?" Mei Shuhan asked with concern.

"I don't know...but it must be in Kyoto!"

Heliance looked a little confused. At this moment, he suddenly realized that he didn't know Ning Chenxuan at all, he was so unfamiliar!

Mei Shuhan looked at Helianze's desolate back and sighed.

Those dirty things about the Ning family~www.readwn.com~ He still didn't tell Heliance in the end. Heliance was always worried about his own life, and it was always a scar he couldn't touch. Knowing that his life experience is even more unbearable, I don't know if he can bear it!

But now, Mei Shuhan regretted it again.

If he had said these things earlier, Helianze might have taken precautions and would not have been passive as he is now!


Yan Mingshun quickly received a report from his subordinates, "Young Master Ming, Heliance has gone out and should be looking for Ning Chenxuan."

"Staring at Helianze 24 hours a day!"

The corners of Yan Mingshun's lips rose, and he knew that Heliance couldn't hold back.

However, he was still a little disappointed. It seemed that Heliance really didn't know Ning Chenxuan's hiding place. This old fox was too defensive, and even Heliance was so guarded.

Hope Helianze can find it!

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