80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 2258: failed lobbying

"You haven't found Ning Chenxuan yet?" Yan Mingshun asked back.

"Yes, I didn't find it."

Heliance didn't tell the truth, he saw Ning Chenxuan yesterday, and he was hiding in the mountains, and there was everything there, food, books, movie theaters, sprinkler cabinets, generators... There was even a vegetable greenhouse, where small suns were artificially created. Vegetables grow better than land.

Ning Chenxuan could live in it for two or three years, and it was very nourishing.

Ning Chenxuan wasn't particularly surprised by Heliance's arrival. It seemed that he would find it long ago. Heliance has behaved well this time. He didn't ask about the base, but pretended to be worried about his safety. Come to the door.

He stayed in the cave all night and chatted with Ning Chenxuan for a long time. Maybe it was because he was too lonely alone in the cave, or maybe he didn't want to hide his only son. Ning Chenxuan told the truth.

He talked about the glory of the Ning family a thousand years ago, and also said his ambition to be the emperor to rule the world... He said a lot, but he did not mention the base.

"Dad... Let's go to live abroad as a family, take Xiaobao, go to an island where no one knows us, and live freely. Shuhan and I will definitely be filial to you... OK?"

Helianze suddenly called Dad, this was the first time he called Dad.

Ning Chenxuan was stunned for a moment, and stared deeply at his only son, who was the crystallization of his love with Xiaoxi. His eyebrows and eyes looked like Xiaoxi!

Ning Chenxuan, who was almost insane, his hard and ruthless heart became softer, but it was only a little bit, far from his desire to be quite an emperor... So——

"How did I teach you before, what our Ning family needs is to be famous all over the world, not to remain anonymous, to live on an isolated island, no one knows about our Ning family, even if I eat dragon meat every day, I will not be happy..."

Ning Chenxuan severely reprimanded Heliance, and glared at him with hatred.

It was all because of that Mei Shuhan that his originally ambitious son turned into a coward who just wanted to hide and live in peace...

Hmph, as a man of the Ning family, how can he be a coward?

Restoring the Ning family is the duty of every Ning family man. His son, Ning Chenxuan, must not be like other men in the clan.

"Dad... the emperor is no longer realistic... Do you think that there is still a country ruled by the emperor now? Even the royal family in Europe is just a pretence and has no real power at all. Do you think it makes sense to do so?"

Heliance persuaded bitterly, he really thought Ning Chenxuan's idea was too funny.

The times are advancing, and civilization cannot be regressed. This is the law of nature, and human beings simply cannot defy it~www.readwn.com~ Ning Chenxuan actually wants to fight against the forces of nature.

"You know shit, don't say it anymore, I've made up my mind!" Ning Chenxuan scolded, very dissatisfied with Heliance's unsatisfactory performance, and made up his mind that after the success of the uprising, he must kill Mei Shuhan, he is good 's son was brought bad by this kid.


Heliance couldn't convince the crazy Ning Chenxuan. He wanted to stay for a few days to check the situation, but early the next morning, Ning Chenxuan drove him away, and only told him to take him safely. Baby, don't worry about anything else.

After returning home, Heliance thought about it for a day and a night, and finally made a decision.

So he came to Yan Mingshun!

"We still have three days at most, so we must speed up!" Heliance said in a deep voice.

This time was inferred by him, because Ning Chenxuan told him not to go out for three days, it could be seen that Ning Chenxuan's patience was running out, three days was his biggest limit.

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