80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 2297: cruel ending

Eyebrows sighed in relief, it's fine.

"What happened, did the base explode?" Meimei asked curiously.

Yan Mingshun explained the situation of that day in detail, just like telling a thrilling story.

"All those animals were brought by Qiuqiu? Oh my god, Qiuqiu is so powerful!" Meimei couldn't believe her ears when she heard the last animal army.

Even so many beasts can call, Qiuqiu is too majestic, no wonder it always brags that it is a divine beast, maybe it is true!

"How are those animals?" Meimei asked with concern.

Yan Mingshun sighed, "They are all dead and gone, only three survived."


Meimei opened her mouth in surprise. Although she couldn't see it with her own eyes, she could still imagine how tragic it was at the time. Only three animals survived, and the others died...

Those who survived were all successful in the tribulation. The giant python and the wolf king, the fox clan survived, but not the fox king, but a beautiful female fox. Yan Mingshun witnessed the mother fox killing the fox king herself and drinking. Only with the blood of the fox king can he succeed in transcending the calamity.

At that time, Yan Mingshun was deeply touched that the animal world also had intrigue!

"What are these animals for?" Meimei couldn't figure it out, but if they were going to commit suicide collectively, would the animals' brains flood into water?

"It should be to complete their king." Yan Mingshun also guessed.

He read a lot of books, like Shanhaijing, etc. He also liked to read it. When he saw that only three survived, and these three were more powerful, he guessed that these animals should be cultivating and nuclear radiation. Energy is a great tonic that can help them practice.

But these big tonics can't be digested at once, so they need to ask other animals for help, similar to sacrifice. It is the sacrifice of these tens of thousands of animals that fulfills their king, and fulfills Chacha and Heliance. .

Otherwise, Helianze would also be swallowed up by the mask and vanished into ashes.

Meimei understood, and sighed that the world of Daqian was indeed full of wonders. It used to be only a legendary story, but it really existed in reality.

"How's Chacha?"

"I'm still sleeping, I don't know when I will wake up. Qiuqiu is guarding it and everything will be fine." Yan Mingshun reassured him.

At that time, he witnessed with his own eyes that Cha Cha grew horns on the top of his head and his body began to swell. He didn't know what happened after that. When everything was over~www.readwn.com~ Cha Cha returned to its original state, but he was unconscious and balled up. Went away with it and made a few gestures to him, presumably asking him to pick them up later.

In the depths of one hundred thousand mountains

Qiuqiu put Chacha in the tree hole and waited at the entrance of the hole in person. This time, the robbery was relatively successful. Although it was not completely eliminated, it was not far behind, and Chacha's life was extended by nearly 10,000 years, such a long time. , it will surely find another chance.

As for the other three, they are not as lucky as Chacha, but they are not too bad. At least their lifespan has been increased by thousands of years, which is a waste of money.

Shiwandashan has a strong spiritual energy, which is suitable for Chacha cultivation. Qiuqiu is unwilling to go back to Kyoto. When Chacha wakes up, he will go back. By the way, he can also hook up with a few beautiful female mice here and spend a wonderful vacation.

Mei Mei also told Yan Mingshun what happened in Kyoto during his absence, and when it came to Mei Shuhan, both of them couldn't help sighing.

"What will happen to Ning Chenxuan?"

"Execution in three days, the big boss ordered." Yan Mingshun replied in a deep voice.

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