80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 2326: Malingering

Yan Mingshun's words came true, and the old witch really didn't leave.

At noon the next day, Chang Qingsong came over, looking very tired, saying that he was hanging on salt water, and fell down suddenly last night.

"Qiqi, I only asked for a week's leave, I really don't have time, can you come back?" Chang Qingsong begged.

Qi Qige's expression was slightly loose, and he asked with eyebrows, "Why did your mother suddenly get sick? What's wrong?"

Chang Qingsong sighed, "She has an old problem, rheumatoid arthritis, and she gets sick from time to time."

Qi Qige gritted his teeth, "Please nanny, I'm too busy now, I don't have the energy to take care of your mother, I won't go home, what I said will not change, your mother is at home for a day, I will never go home. ."

Chang Qingsong looked at her helplessly, "Qiqig, can you tell me some truth? My mother can't even get out of bed now, how can you let her go home? And you can't live in Zhao Mei's house for a long time, right?"

"It's okay, I don't mind." Meimei said with a smile.

Chang Qingsong was at a loss for words, and was very annoyed, feeling that his style was too naive.

His mother was so ill, and she played a childish temper with him. She didn't understand his hard work at all. How much did it cost to hire a nanny? Where did he get so much money?

This time Qiqige was firm in his determination, Ren Changqingsong said whatever he wanted, but he didn't let go.

After Chang Qingsong left, Ren Qianqian also came to the door on her hind legs. She didn't agree to go back, she breathed a long sigh of relief, "That's right, you must not go back, this old witch must be pretending, otherwise, what will happen? Let her go back to her hometown, she won't be well? How can there be such a coincidence!"

"I think so too. A few days ago, I was still so energetic that I couldn't get out of bed in the cold. Only that fool, Chang Qingsong, would believe it. You live in peace at my house. Anyway, if the old witch doesn't leave, you won't go back. This time we have to be tougher." Meimei said.

"Well... I will, thank you..." Qi Qige's eyes were red again, the originally cheerful and lively girl was stunned to have her marriage turned into a sentimental Sister Lin.

"We don't care about your thanks, as long as you have a good life!" Ren Qianqian choked angrily.

Three good sisters, she and Meimei have a good life, but Qiqi's life is so poor. As a good friend, can she feel good in her heart?


Chang Qingsong went home dejected~www.readwn.com~ Mother Chang heard the movement at the entrance of the corridor, she hurriedly turned off the TV, slipped into the bed, and put a turban on her forehead, like a confinement child. Yes, moaning softly.

The door opened, and Chang Qingsong walked in. Chang's mother didn't see Qiqi, and her heart skipped a beat, "Where's your daughter-in-law? Why didn't you come back?"

"Mom, I'd better take you back to your hometown. I have to go back to work in two days. No one at home will take care of you. Dad will take care of you when you get home." Chang Qingsong thought about it all the way, but decided to send his mother home.

He couldn't afford a babysitter at all, a penny would kill someone!

"Why is there no one to take care of me? Let your daughter-in-law come back to serve me. It is her duty as a daughter-in-law to serve her mother-in-law. You ask her to come back quickly!"

Mother Chang is reluctant to go back to her hometown. Kyoto is prosperous and lively. She goes to the park to dance with a group of old men and ladies every day.

People in big cities are knowledgeable, unlike people in small places, who have shallow eyelids, she can suffocate to death when she goes back, and finally let the old man relax, she is determined not to go back.

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