80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 2331: The name sounds familiar

Mo Qiaoling explained her current situation euphemistically. The purpose was to ask her aunt to help her intercede so that she could work in Mo Xiuyuan's company. She had already found out that Yan Mingshun was the major shareholder of this company.

Since she is a major shareholder, she must go to the company from time to time to show her face, open a board of directors or something. If she sneaks into the company, she will meet Yan Mingshun one day... No matter how close the water tower is, Yan Mingshun will be her bag. The thing in.

As for Mo Xiuyuan, Mo Qiaoling didn't plan to let it go. She felt that Mo Xiuyuan was an excellent spare tire.

In case Yan Mingshun's hookup is unsuccessful, Mo Xiuyuan can also.

It's not bad to be a beautiful president's wife.

Of course, if possible, Mo Qiaoling still wants to be with Yan Mingshun. After all, Yan Mingshun is more in line with her image of Prince Charming, and she has also inquired. Yan Mingshun's military rank is definitely not low, not only rich , and more rights.

She actually wanted to be a noble official wife more than the president's wife who was not bad.

As for the aunt's maiden nephew, a small workshop team leader, Mo Qiaoling didn't take it seriously at all.

She is a little stronger than Sanwuren. I heard that she has already bought a small house in Kyoto, but she doesn't like it at all. The toad wants to eat swan meat and daydreams!

My aunt didn't know what Mo Qiaoling was really thinking, so she felt that this marriage would definitely happen. As long as Mo Qiaoling was arranged in the company, her nephew and Mo Qiaoling would get along day and night, and they would definitely be in love with each other over time, and sooner or later they would become a couple. .

But my aunt didn't know how big Mo Xiuyuan's company was, and the workshop and office building were not in the same place at all. Even if Mo Qiaoling joined the company, it must have been in the office building, separated by a few mountains from the same car!

How can we get along day and night?

Uncle Mo didn't know what the aunt's idea was. He was too lazy to talk nonsense. He picked up the tobacco and alcohol and planned to pay it back by himself.

"Even if Mo Qiaoling is an immortal, I don't care. Who told her parents to be black-hearted ghosts... and Ming Shun and Xiu Yuan have both told us to stop dealing with this family. Are you deaf?"

Uncle Mo is an honest farmer who has no interest in doing business. He only likes to work in the fields, but he has one advantage: he is obedient.

As long as it was something Yan Mingshun explained, he remembered it firmly and never violated it.

The big aunt talked about it, and then it made sense to Uncle Mo. She didn't let him return the things, but let her pay it back after a while.

"Don't forget it." Uncle Mo said with a stern face.

My aunt answered absentmindedly~www.readwn.com~ I don't know what to do. Her sister-in-law heard about Mo Qiaoling's situation and ran over to check Mo Qiaoling secretly. She was very satisfied with her. recognized her as a daughter-in-law.

Now that she is riding a tiger, she has no choice but to bite the bullet.

I just hope that my nephew and daughter-in-law can live up to their expectations and help her get things done!

Meimei, who was placed in high hopes, hung up the phone and went to the study.

"Brother, do you know Mo Qiaoling? This name sounds familiar to me, but I can't remember where I heard it."

Meimei's face was hazy, she really felt that the name was familiar, but her brain was like a fragment, and she couldn't remember it.

Yan Mingshun was stunned, why did Meimei suddenly ask Mo Qiaoling?

"It's just a distant relative in my grandmother's village, an irrelevant person, what happened to her?"

Yan Mingshun's expression was indifferent, as if he was talking about a stranger.

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