80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 2357: big stomach king

Meimei asked Aunt Fang to carry the baby over. She lifted the diaper, but she didn't see any bird.

"Is it a girl?"

Yan Mingshun nodded, "Yes, it's a girl."

He was still a little regretful in his heart, if it was a boy, he could inherit the legacy of him and Helianqing, but a girl...

It's not that he looks down on a woman's ability, it's just that he doesn't want his daughter to work too hard. In his position, the responsibilities and pressures that he bears are not something that ordinary people can bear.

Since it is a daughter, he will definitely do his best to let his daughter grow up carefree, there is no need to work too hard.

As for the successor, the big deal is that he learns from Helianqing, adopts a godson, and trains him well.

After being tossed around like this, the little guy also woke up, his **** eyes twitched, looking around curiously, smacking his lips from time to time.

"Oh, she smiled at me...Baby, I'm your mother..."

Meimei smiled happily, and reached out to touch the little guy's face, it was soft and bouncy, and it felt super nice.

The little guy tilted his head, looked at Meimei with fixed eyes, and looked very seriously. After a while, she suddenly giggled, and her chubby little hands kept waving, trying to reach out to touch Meimei's face, she was so smart Incredible.

"My great-granddaughter is smart and knows how to recognize people..." Grandma Yang was very proud and complimented.

"Wow..." The little guy was unhappy again, his brows were wrinkled, and he was about to cry with his mouth open.

"Baby is hungry, you should have milk now, let the baby suck." Grandma Yang said.

Aunt Fang took a hot towel and wiped the brows in the **** room, and then stuffed the little guy into Meimei's arms, the little guy instinctively opened his mouth, ah ah ah, as if smelling When it comes to the smell of milk, I am so excited.

"Now this is colostrum, which has the best nutrition." Grandma Yang looked at the little guy kindly.

Meimei nodded, she had heard of colostrum, and it was really good for children.

It's just that Meimei has just finished giving birth, and there is not much milk. The little guy only sucked for a while and disappeared. He flattened his mouth unhappily, and frowned even more.

"More milk powder, the baby is not full!" said Grandma Yang.

Aunt Fang has already soaked it here. It is still a small half bottle of about 200 ml, which is not much, but the baby is only a newborn baby. It is already a huge amount for being so old, not to mention that the baby just ate some colostrum. .

"Baby's appetite is really good~www.readwn.com~ I'm almost finished half of it." Grandma Yang smiled, she quickly thought of the important point, and said, "I'll go back to stew the crucian carp soup now, the crucian carp soup is milk, eyebrows You drink more."

Aunt Fang stopped her, "I'm going to cook the soup, you are here with Meimei."

The crucian carp soup contains milk. The soup is very delicious, but it has no salty taste. Because there is no salt, the soup is very bland, but I am hungry, even if I drink the soup without salt, it is delicious.

The effect of the soup was very good. The next day Meimei had more milk, but it still couldn't satisfy the baby's appetite.

"Is my milk too low? Why isn't the baby getting enough?" Meimei was worried.

"It's a lot. If you drink so much soup every day, there will be no shortage of milk. It should be because the baby's appetite is too good." Grandma Yang looked suspiciously at the baby who was drinking with relish while holding the bottle.

"Could it be that the baby is the king of big stomachs?" Meimei blurted out, then looked at the baby incredulously, and became even more worried.

She didn't want her daughter to be the king of big stomachs at all!

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