80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 2370: is a living thing

Lele was lying on the ground and couldn't turn over yet, but her strength was strong and her muscles and bones were good.

"Look at her, with her head raised so high, grandma said it would take three months to raise her head!"

Meimei looked strange, Lele was less than two months away!

Does this count as premature?

Meimei became worried again, and frowned, "Brother, do you think Lele will grow up early? Just like the girls in Africa, she looks like an adult at the age of seven or eight..."

Meimei was worried. She used to read Sanmao's "Sahara Desert" and said that girls there marry and have children at the age of seven or eight. Because of their precocious puberty and short life span, they can only live to their twenties, which is very pitiful.

Now that she sees that her daughter may mature prematurely, she can't help but worry.

Yan Mingshun smiled, he really liked to think blindly.

"The reason why the women in Africa are precocious is because of the climate and geographical environment. Our family Lele has good physical fitness and is not precocious. Didn't we just go to the hospital for a test a few days ago? Doctors say Lele is not precocious, you What's there to worry about?"

Because Lele is too strong and eats a lot, Yan Mingshun specially took his daughter to the hospital for a physical examination.

He checked it from head to toe, inside and out. Experts said that Lele's physical fitness was quite good. He was the best child he had ever seen, and he was not precocious at all.

Meimei breathed a sigh of relief, yes, experts said she was not precocious, so what else should she worry about.


After all, Lele was too young, and she couldn't turn even after turning over half of her body. She was sweating profusely from exhaustion.

There is still a short distance from the box, Lele's fat claws have been probed for several times but can't be touched, she is so angry that she screams so hard, her little fat legs are kicking, and her temper is not small!

"Lele seems to want to touch the box, doesn't she know what's inside... No... how is it possible, she should look at the box and feel fresh..."

The daughter's behavior was so strange that Meimei not only suspected that Lele knew what was in the box, but she quickly denied the guess.

Even if Lele's physical fitness is very good and her strength is still so strong, it can't be a see-through eye, right?

"You should dismantle it faster, it's been so long and it hasn't been dismantled!"

Lele made a fuss and couldn't help urging her eyebrows.

"I suspect it contains living things."

Yan Mingshun said suddenly, eyebrows startled the boss.

"A living thing...how can it be alive? Isn't the customs not allowed to send live things?"

Meimei thought it was impossible, not even plants, let alone live animals.

Yan Mingshun smiled, "Heliance has a way to send things over, even if he sends an elephant."

The official channel must not be sent to www.readwn.com~, but it can be smuggled. There are many smuggling channels from Macau to the inland, and it is not troublesome to send it.

Meimei suddenly became interested, "Hurry up and take it apart, what exactly is inside, I really want to know..."

"Don't worry, it's easy to damage the living things inside if you dismantle it too quickly."

Yan Mingshun still took it down unhurriedly, but Lele was in a hurry, and the chubby legs kept kicking to express her protest.

But Yan Mingshun didn't care about her at all, and deliberately slowed down to tease her daughter.

Eyes widened, Yan Mingshun touched his nose and accelerated.


The box was finally opened, and Lele cried even more happily.

"What is it?"

Meimei hugged Lele and leaned over. 2k reading net

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