80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 2373: share jerky

In the end, Meimei didn't go there, and squatted with Yan Mingshun, looking at Xiaolang and Lele nervously.

The little wolf licked Lele's little hand several times, but he didn't bite Lele. His eyebrows were relieved. Take the whip to drive the little wolf away.

"Gluck cluck..."

Lele laughed happily, dancing with her fat claws constantly, hitting the little wolf's head with her hands several times.


The little wolf is not angry at all, his tail is slowly wagging, his head is tilted, and he is looking at Lele carefully.

Is this two-legged cub the new owner that the owner told it to be?

It looks quite interesting!


The previous jerky Lele fell to the ground, and the little wolf grabbed another piece of jerky and put it in Lele's hand, wagging its tail and moaning in a low voice, not knowing what it wanted to express!

"Is the little wolf full?" Meimei asked in a low voice.

"No, Xiaolang wants to give the jerky to Lele, because it has recognized Lele." Yan Mingshun whispered.

"How can Lele eat jerky, her teeth haven't grown yet!"

Meimei started to get anxious again and wanted to get the jerky back. How could this fat girl Lele know what to eat and what not to eat? That can be dangerous!

"Wait a while, you have to have confidence in me, baby!"

Yan Mingshun smiled helplessly, Lele is his daughter!

Meimei squatted down again reluctantly, and twisted Yan Mingshun's body, "Then you have to keep an eye on it, if something happens to Lele, I can't spare you!"


Yan Mingshun didn't dare to be careless, his whole body was tense, and he was hunched like a cheetah, so that he could save his daughter in time if something unexpected happened.


Lele grabbed the jerky and brought it to his mouth without thinking. He covered his mouth nervously, for fear that he would make a sound and startle Xiaolang and Lele.

The jerky was eaten by Lele, and he smashed it several times. Every time he chewed it, Meimei's heart beat several times.

"Hurry up and bring Lele back, in case you swallow it..."

Meimei couldn't take it anymore and urged Yan Mingshun hard.

"Wait a while..."

Yan Mingshun was equally nervous, even more nervous than when he faced dozens of dangerous terrorists.

But he still wants to try again, he wants to know if his daughter's potential ~www.readwn.com~ is really what he guessed?

Fortunately, the jerky was in Lele's mouth, and he didn't swallow it. Lele seemed to enjoy the process of smashing the jerky, squinted his eyes, and drooled down the corner of his mouth.

Although the jerky is delicious, Lele, who has no teeth, can't chew it at all. She just smashed it a few times, and the jerky was melted by her, but Lele was very smart and did not swallow the jerky. go down.

After about two or three minutes, the umami of the jerky melted, and Lele took out the wet jerky from his mouth.


Lele grabbed the jerky and danced, screaming incessantly, very excited.

Meimei breathed a sigh of relief and wanted to go and get rid of the jerky, but to her surprise, the little wolf actually went up to eat the jerky in Lele's hand. And so much drool.

The rest of the jerky was shared and eaten by Lele and Xiaolang. The two little guys enjoyed it. Xiaolang also slowly adapted to the environment of the new home, and was not as vigilant as before.

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