80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 2388: steal kidney

Although Qiqige was out of danger, she was still in a coma, and Meimei was transferred to a single ward for her. She and Ren Qianqian were busy all the time, and the old witch was like an outsider, not even wearing clothes. Ken help get it.

But the old witch didn't want to go home either, she stayed by their side all the time, she seemed very busy, but she didn't work.

"Damn old woman, she must be afraid that Chang Qingsong will come back and tell her, so she stayed." Ren Qianqian cursed bitterly.

"Don't worry about her, I'll call Aunt Fang and let her cook chicken soup." Meimei glanced coldly at the old witch sitting in the corner of the wall.

There will be opportunities to clean up in the future, but now Qiqige is more important.

Meimei went to the corridor to call Aunt Fang and asked her to stew the chicken soup and send it over. Qiqi would wake up after a while, and the chicken soup was just enough to drink.

"My son... what can I do in the future... The wicked ghost who kills a thousand knives, you must die..."

There were mourning cries at the end of the corridor, one after another, sounding like a woman.

Hearing the sound, a middle-aged woman in her 40s was slumped on the ground and mourned, her expression very sad and heartbroken.

"Mom, take it easy... don't bother other people!" a young girl in her 20s whispered, looking sad too.

"My son's waist is gone, don't let me cry a few times, is there any reason for it... I have heard of people stealing money and stealing babies, why are there still people stealing waists... What the **** is this..."

The middle-aged woman not only did not stop crying, but got louder and louder, and the young girl also cried along with her.

Meimei heard it strangely, it sounded like this woman's son's kidney was stolen!

Stealing human organs is not uncommon. In the past life, I often heard news reports. It is said that there is a special organization to sell human organs, to get some young and beautiful girls, to coax young people who are not in the world, and then smuggle them abroad and sell them at high prices.

Like this woman's son, he just had a kidney stolen, but he got it back anyway, which is a great fortune among misfortunes.

It is said that some people are even worse, their hearts have been stolen, and their lives cannot be recovered.

But... are there people who steal human organs in Kyoto now?

Meimei became curious, walked towards the sad mother and daughter, and handed over the tissue.

"Wipe your tears, is something wrong with your son?"

The middle-aged woman raised her head to look at the eyebrows, her eyes were blurred with tears, probably because she wanted to talk to someone, or because the long brows made her feel reassuring, she talked about her son's tragic experience.

As expected, the middle-aged woman's son had a kidney stolen.

"Girl~www.readwn.com~ How can there be such a vicious person in the world, you can just steal money, why steal my son's waist? My son is not married yet... What will he do in the future... "

The middle-aged woman covered her face and cried bitterly. She could make more money when she lost her money. What should she do when she lost her kidneys?

She frowned. This middle-aged woman is not a native of Kyoto. Her hometown is from the Northeast. Her son is working in Kyoto. He hurried over after an accident.

So the middle-aged woman didn't know much about what happened to his son, and couldn't explain many things.

"What was your son doing when he had an accident?" Meimei asked.

The middle-aged woman looked bewildered, and the young girl next to her hurriedly said, "My brother and his new partner went to the movies, who knew something would happen..."

His brows moved, and he asked again, "What about his partner? Has he come to the hospital?"

"No... The girl ran away as soon as something happened, and she didn't even know what her name was..." The middle-aged woman said resentfully, and began to cry again.

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