80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 2478: starving

Job put several photos on the table. The photography skills are very good. He captured the charm of the eyebrows. He smiled, looked back, or lowered his head... Across the photos, you can feel the thick body on her body. of classical flavor.

"That's it... exactly like the woman in my dreams... so beautiful, it was created by God himself!"

Job muttered to himself, with obsession in his eyes.

The woman in the photo is more beautiful and charming than the oriental beauty in his dreams... His creative inspiration has been inspired... Every cell in the body is screaming...

"Have you found out the origin of this woman? Who is the woman next to her? Why do I look familiar." Job was thoughtful.

"This woman's name is Susan, she is Chinese-American, this is her friend, her name is Xiao Se, she is a British nobleman, and has the title of Marquis." The subordinate briefly introduced.

Job immediately remembered, it turned out to be the mixed-race noble, but this woman surnamed Xiao is not so easy to mess with, so you have to be careful!

"Find a way to catch this Susan, don't let Xiao Se find out!"


His subordinates took the lead, Job rubbed his hands excitedly, his hands were slender and fair, like those of a pianist.

"How many days have those two children cleared their stomachs?" Job asked Aunt Hei, thinking of Xiaobao and Lele.

"I have eaten vegetable salad for three days, and I will start drinking water tomorrow!" Aunt Hei replied.

"Continue to eat vegetable salad, let them drag on for a few more days!" Job smiled sinisterly, waiting for the oriental beauty to be caught, and then make a doll together. Don't worry now.

Xiaobao and Lele have been detained for three days. For the past three days, they have been detained in this room full of cameras. Except for the vegetable salad, it is clear water, and the amount is decreasing day by day. The two are hungry. With gold stars in his eyes, he couldn't sit still.

"Brother... so hungry..."

Lele said weakly, her originally round face lost a lot of weight, her eye sockets were sunken in, but she was still in good spirits, thanks to the pills in the jade gourd, it was all hanging by pills for the past three days!

Xiaobao was also hungry. He ate less. The only thing he had was a vegetable salad, and he also gave some to his sister. He didn't eat a few slices himself, and he lost the strength to speak.

They must find a way, otherwise they will not even have the strength to escape, and they can only wait to die!

Xiaobao looked over at Xue Er, who was also lying on the ground so hungry, but Qiuqiu was in good spirits like no one else.

Qiuqiu huddled in the corner, and when he saw Xiaobao crawling towards him, he was secretly amused, the little thing could be regarded as thinking of it, Uncle Qiu!

Xiaobao held Qiuqiu in his arms and whispered in his ear, "You have a way to hide from those eyes, right?"

Qiuqiu must have eaten something in the past three days~www.readwn.com~ Otherwise, it is impossible to have nothing at all.

Xiaobao got Qiuqiu's breath when he was a child, and he had no problem communicating with Qiuqiu, but he was not as comfortable as Meimei Lele.

Qiuqiu blinked and ran to Xiaobao's side, clinging to the wall, took out a piece of jerky, pointed at it with his paw, and said, "It can only be eaten here, and it can't be more than two minutes."

No matter how many cameras are installed, it will still be able to find a dead corner. The other party will definitely not be able to see this small corner, but it cannot stay for more, otherwise the other party will be suspicious if he can't find anyone.

Xiaobao was overjoyed, he didn't eat jerky, but crawled over to Lele, pretending to cry, "Qiuqiu is dying!"

Qiuqiu was stunned for a while, the stinky boy dared to calculate it!

But it had no choice but to lie on the ground with its four claws facing the sky, and its claws pumped a few times, revealing its pink fat belly...()

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