80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 2497: air-dried bacon

"It's not that easy to want to die... Drink this soup first, and I'll disembowel you in a while, throw away your stomach, and stuff your stomach with aniseed peppercorns. Have you heard of Huaxia's Thirteen Fragrance? Good stuff for air-dried bacon..."

Meimei poured all the hot soup into Job's mouth, so hot that he couldn't stop crying, his esophagus was burned, and he couldn't make a sound.

What scares him even more is what Meimei said, what is air-dried bacon?

Is it a doll unique to Huaxia?

Don't...he likes dolls, but he doesn't like being made into dolls!

Meimei scooped up the soup again, and continued to pour it in, without stopping, "Do you know what air-dried bacon is? It's a special delicacy in China, don't you like to make dolls, then I'll make you into air-dried bacon, After pouring the thirteen incense, the stomach is sewn up, soaked in salt and marinated for a few days, and then hung on the beam to dry..."

"Ah, no……"

Job was poured several mouthfuls of hot broth, his voice was hoarse and painful, but it couldn't match the fear in his heart.

He doesn't want to be made into air-dried bacon!

He's going to die with dignity!

"What's the use of making you air-dried bacon, do you know? Of course you ate it... Your Carl family is not a good thing, grab them all, boil your air-dried bacon into soup, and distribute it to your uncles and brothers. Sisters drink...just like I'm feeding you soup now!"

There was not much soup left in the tongs, so Meimei picked up the tongs and poured all the soup into Job's mouth. There was still a bit of meat left, and she didn't bother to get it, so she threw it aside.

Heliance raised his eyebrows with interest, Zhao Mei's idea is really good, why didn't he think of it!

I really didn't see it, Zhao Mei is quite creative, much more interesting than the rigid guy Yan Mingshun!

"Just do it, but the Carl family has a large population, and he alone may not be enough." Heliance came over to join in the fun.

Meimei gave him a stern look, "If one is not enough, won't you get another one? It's so stupid that you eat it from below?"

Damn, this **** is not a thing, don't think she doesn't know, letting Xiaobao and Lele engage in so-called experience is the bad idea of ​​this bastard!

Heliance raised his eyebrows, his eyes gleamed fiercely, he—grandmother, was impatient!


Xiaobao grabbed his hair tightly, "Don't hit Auntie!"

Yan Mingshun also stood in front of Meimei and looked at him coldly, "I haven't figured out your account yet, so you can wait for me later!"

If it wasn't for this guy's bewitching, how could he have made a big mistake?

Meimei will not be in conflict with him anymore, although he has a great responsibility, but now he has to find someone to take the blame, and the most important thing is to make his wife happy first!

Heliance's scalp was hurt by Xiaobao's tugging~www.readwn.com~ He couldn't hold his breath, and was reluctant to hit his son, so he gave up teaching Meimei and stared at her angrily.

"You let the donkey kick your head, and you actually cook broth for this bastard?" Heliance roared angrily, for a while, he really didn't see what kind of meat was in the pot.

"Want to eat? I left some meat for you, so you're welcome!"

Meimei handed the tongs pot in front of him, the smile made Heliance a little hairy, hesitantly did not pick up the pot.

"It's not poisonous, you can eat it with confidence, don't be afraid!"

"Who said I'm afraid... I even dare to eat human flesh!" Heliance widened his eyes and copied the pot with one hand.

"Dad... This is the flesh of a bad guy, it stinks..." Little Treasure reminded kindly.

Heliance's hands froze, staring at the white flesh in the pot with disgust, his chest kept rolling... Damn... he had never eaten human flesh before!

This girl Zhao Mei is actually more perverted than him!

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