80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 2510: the child is missing

Shopping time always flies like quicksand, and before you know it, it's lunch time. There are several more bags on Meimei's hands, and she can't fit both of her hands. Call the hotel and ask the hotel to send someone to take the things back first.

She has to continue shopping!

Let Yan Mingshun earn money at home, she swiped the card happily!

"Mom... I'm hungry!" Lele held her stomach in a bored way. She didn't like shopping at all. She didn't see any delicious meat in a street. What's there to do!

"Let's go eat pizza..."

When she came over just now, she saw a pizza shop, less than 50 meters away, so she had one meal at noon and a big meal at night.

The children are very happy and enthusiastic.

When he was about to walk to the pizza shop, he heard a faint cry, and there were a lot of people around, as if something had happened, so Meimei couldn't help but speed up, and subconsciously clenched the hands of the two children.

"Xiaobao, Lele, don't walk around!"

The cry in front of him was getting louder and louder. It was a woman's cry, which was heart-wrenching, and the voice sounded familiar.

"Auntie It's that auntie!" Xiaobao said suddenly.

"Which one?" Meimei didn't hear it.

"It's the aunt across from our room, she has a brother!" Xiaobao explained.

Meimei also heard it at this time, and it really was the gentle and strict mother, and she didn't know what happened, which made this mother lose her temper in public.

"Ichiro...where are you...don't scare mom..."

As the distance got closer, I could vaguely hear the woman's voice, hoarse and crying, and because of the noise of the human voice, it seemed very vague, and I could only understand that it was calling for my son.

His brows tightened. Could it be that something happened to the sensible little boy?

She tugged on Xiaobao and Lele subconsciously again, and tried her best to cut through the crowd, trying to squeeze in to find out what happened. Although the mother and son are islanders, not all islanders are bad people. She is still very fond of these two mothers.

"Call the police, this kind of thing must be called the police!" Someone shouted in English.

"It's useless, it's only been less than an hour since the child was lost, and the police won't take care of it." Another said.

Everyone had a lot of discussions and had their own rhetoric, but they were all enthusiastic and helped to find a way.

Meimei has been confirmed~www.readwn.com~ It should be that the boy named Ichiro is gone, no wonder the mother is so anxious!

Lele watched her mother squeeze so hard, she rolled her eyes, and her two fat claws ripped apart the legs of the adult in front of her, and shouted, "Mom... hurry in!"

Meimei gave her a thumbs up, and the three of them squeezed in little by little, and the people who were squeezed out were inexplicable... Why didn't their legs obey?

Finally, I squeezed into the side of my mother, who was indifferent. She looked very embarrassed. She was barefoot, her neatly braided bun was loose, and the delicate makeup on her face was washed away by sweat and tears, and she lacked the elegance of the morning.

"Ichiro... Mom will take you to eat KFC... Don't scare mom... Come out quickly..." Mother stood on the street crying in panic, and several older local women comforted her softly.

"I didn't see the child... We asked every store on this street, and they all said they didn't see the child alone..."

A few men ran back out of breath. They were also locals. They were supposed to help the mother find the child, but the results were disappointing.

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