80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 251: no son's hatred

Wu Zhenghong approached Wu Mei and looked at it, and after a while, she tutted: "Second sister-in-law, you are practicing iron sand palm, look at how swollen Meimei's face is, our Wu family is a scholarly family with rules, don't treat you It's no shame to bring those rude habits of the family to our house."

Ji Jianbo is very grateful to Wu Mei for helping to hide He Wenjing's matter, and he is also really sympathetic to Wu Mei. When he encounters a eccentric and rude mother, his life will be impossible. In comparison, Wu Zhenghong is much cuter than He Biyun. Although not a good wife, but a loving mother is necessary.

"Zhenghong is right, second sister-in-law, you have to reflect on it carefully. Our family is a decent family, and we must pay attention to our words and deeds. I don't know how many people are waiting to see our family's jokes. And Zhenghong to learn from the scriptures, Zhenghong, are you right?"

Ji Jianbo looked at Wu Zhenghong flatteringly, but Wu Zhenghong was happy. In the past, every time she targeted He Biyun, Ji Jianbo would say that she was wrong, but today is the first time she has firmly defended her!

Wu Zhenghong rolled his eyes at Ji Jianbo sullenly, and the big pancake face full of gluttonous flesh actually added a bit of charm. Ji Jianbo rubbed his arms, fantasizing about Fan He Wenjing's pretty face in his mind, which made him feel a lot more comfortable.

He Wenjing ignored him recently. The last time she made an appointment to go out to play, she also changed her mind later. It was very wrong. She had to find Wenjing when she had time, or he would be suffocated to death.

Wu Zhenghong and his wife sang along with their husbands, making He Biyun feel ashamed, biting his lip and holding back his anger, not because they were afraid of the couple, but because the old man would dislike her even more.

Wu Zhengsi listened to the old man, she couldn't make the old man angry!

Because Ji Jianbo and Wei Qiuyue both interceded for Wu Mei, Mr. Wu didn't blame her very much. In fact, the old man was very satisfied with Wu Mei's recent progress, and he was not dissatisfied with Wu Mei, mainly because she was angry with her for making the family ugly. Go out, nothing else.

Moreover, the old man watched from the sidelines, Wu Mei not only became more beautiful in appearance, but also toughened in temperament. It was not like the past, which was like a dough, and it was hot when he looked at it. Compared with the two, of course, he admired the current Wu Mei more.

I didn't say anything to the old man Wu Yue, but asked Wu Zhengsi not to put too much pressure on her, "You have to rely on men to make a name for yourself. Women can have a college degree, and Yueyue doesn't need to be too assertive. The top 50 is fine, there is no need to make yourself nervous and make the family unhappy."

"Yes." Wu Zhengsi responded respectfully, feeling very uncomfortable.

Among the three brothers and sisters, he is the only one who has no son. The elder brother has two sons, Zhenghong, a son and a daughter. All of them are better than him. How could he not know what the old man said, but he is not reconciled. , will definitely not be worse than men, but it is impossible to imagine that Wu Yue gave him such a big surprise.

Like Wen Feng and Wu Jie, at Yueyue's age, not only did their grades not decline, but they improved a lot. This is a man's advantage. He is full of strength, and he can only watch it eagerly, alas!

He Biyun's mouth was bitter. Not being able to give birth to a son was the pain of her life. It was because she could not give birth to a son that the old man and the old lady did not want to see her, Wu Zhengsi was indifferent to her, and her waist could not be straightened. .

It's all the fault of the dead girl Wu Mei, so that she can't give birth to a son. What's wrong with her hitting this dead girl?

He Biyun lowered his head, gritted his teeth, and his face was distorted. Eight zero sweet wife

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