80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 2528: The truth is revealed

Keiko mistakenly thought that Meimei was the one who hurt Ichiro, and yelled in anger.

Meimei didn't expect that her kindness would not be rewarded, so she was naturally unhappy. Seeing that this Keiko was quite educated, she didn't expect it to be so rude!

"I just called to tell you that Ichiro has been abused inhumanly, you'd better ask a psychiatrist to help him, and ... madam, you have to make it clear that the person who hurt your son is not me, and things will not be clear in the future. , don't blame others casually!"

Meimei was so angry that she hung up the phone, she really thought it was a donkey's liver and lungs!

do not care!

"Let's go to the hotel to get things first, and then go to the airport to try our luck. We can go wherever we buy, okay?" Meimei quickly forgot the unpleasantness and became more playful.

"Mom... I'm hungry..." Lele frowned, helplessly reminding her mother.

Three hours ago, they said they would take her to eat meat, but now she has not even eaten a shredded meat, she is almost hungry!

"Oops... I forgot about this, let's go and eat meat!"

Meimei felt so guilty, she was really busy and dizzy!

Lele stood on tiptoe and whispered in Xiaobao's ear, "Mom is stupid..."

Xiaobao agreed 12%, and said in a low voice, "...so we have to be smart, or auntie will be sold by bad people!"

"Yeah!" Lele nodded vigorously, with her watching, her mother would definitely not be sold.

A villa somewhere in Kyoto

Keiko and her husband looked anxiously at the doctor who was examining their son's body. They were distressed and angry when they saw the wound on Ichiro's body, but they were more worried about his son's body. They didn't know what happened to Ichiro.

"How about Ichiro?"

When the doctor finally finished the examination, Keiko asked impatiently, her heart raised in her throat, afraid of hearing the answer she was most afraid of.

"The little son was severely injured by iron nails, candles, wire hammers and other things, but they were all flesh wounds, and they can recover quickly, but the little son must accept psychological counseling, which is a long process. It requires the patience and active cooperation of the parents," said the doctor.

"Okay, we must cooperate!" The couple nodded again and again, remorseful.

"It's all my fault...why did I go shopping for clothes, if I didn't buy clothes, Ichiro wouldn't..." Keiko covered her face and cried.

"It's my fault, I should have gone with you!" Hengshan blamed himself even more, and he couldn't finish his work at all. If he gave up part of his work and went on vacation with his wife and children, none of this would have happened!

"The kidnapper must be caught, she is too arrogant... hurting Ichiro, and calling to demonstrate... How can you be so inhumane!" Keiko gritted her teeth, she still thought Meimei was the kidnapper.

"Yes, I have already told the police station that they are trying their best to search for that woman!" Yokoyama Shangji was also very angry.

Ichiro, who fainted after seeing his parents~www.readwn.com~ slowly woke up when it was dark, saw his parents by his side, he smiled happily, and the nightmare finally passed.

"Dad, Mom, it was the beautiful aunt who saved me, thank her for helping me!" Ichiro said weakly.

The grace of dripping water must be reciprocated by springs, not to mention the great grace of saving life. He is still young, so let his parents help him repay!

Keiko and her husband looked at each other, beautiful auntie?

Something seems wrong?

"Ichiro, what happened?" Keiko asked.


Ichiro briefly said what happened, "I thought I would never see my parents again, but the pretty aunt rescued me and asked my mother's phone number, and said she would let my mother pick me up!"

Only then did Keiko realize how big an oolong he had committed, and he was extremely ashamed.

She was so rude to her savior, what a **** sin!

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