80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 2545: Is the family mining?

Gao Qiaoyu swallowed, although he is the son of the Gaoqiao family, but because he is not the heir, he does not have much assets under his name. He only gets some dividends from the company every year. For ordinary people, this money is considered Astronomical numbers.

But Rao is so, he can't do like Meimei, who said he donated five million and took out the checkbook!

This Ms. Zhao Mei's family is mining, right?

Otherwise, why are you so embarrassed?

Seeing that the air was suddenly silent, the two stopped talking. They thought it was because the money was too little, so they quickly said, "Is it not enough? Then ten million?"


The two brothers and sisters swallowed hard, and suddenly wanted to strangle the eyebrows on the other side.

Ten million dollars!

How many zeros are in Japanese yen?

This woman's family must be mining, for sure!

"You're such a prodigal, your husband will let you go?" Keiko couldn't help asking.

Meimei said honestly: "Actually, I am usually very frugal and don't spend much money!"

Keiko shrank her hand, resisted and didn't extend it, afraid that she would actually strangle this woman, spend 10 million dollars without blinking an eye, and still have the face to say that she is very frugal?

She usually hesitates for a long time to buy a bag of one thousand dollars, because whether it is the Hengshan family or the Takahashi family, they are all diligent and thrifty, and future generations are not allowed to buy luxury goods, let alone extravagance and waste!

"You don't need to donate so much, one million is enough. You should save some money. It's not easy for men to make money, and we women can't be too prodigal!" in the bones.

Gao Qiaoyu also said: "Yes, one million is enough. Recently, the medical team's funds are tight. With your one million, more people can be treated."

"Okay, then one million!"

The eyebrows circled seven zeros, tore them off, and handed them to Gao Qiaoyu, asking him to help donate them.

Gao Qiaoyu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, this is too trusting, what if he is a liar?

Isn't a million dollars a waste?

Keiko shook her head and sighed. Originally, she thought Meimei was a shrewd and strong person, but after a few days of contact, she realized that this guy is separated from the shrewd and strong person by Mount Fuji!

But luck is real!

It can be considered a fool to have a fool!

Fujita-kun strongly opposes Meimei to bring the child, even if she can't pay 1 million, but his medical team agrees, there is no way, it is really short of money, with this money, you can buy more Medicines and food are gone, and more people can be saved!

"...I will go to Huaxia to meet again in the future, bye!"

The next morning, Meimei took the children to the airport and said goodbye to the Keiko family.

Here, Yan Mingshun received a call from his subordinates again~www.readwn.com~ was shocked, and his voice changed, "Going to the Middle East? Her brain is flooded? She even took the children with her, she just played the piano randomly. !"

"Boss, do you want to stop Madam?" The subordinates grimaced. They thought they were going on vacation, but now they realize that they thought it was too simple!

Yan Mingshun thought and thought, and analyzed many possibilities. It is impossible for Meimei to go there for no reason. She must have a reason!

"Do you know why Madam is going there?"

"I talked to Mrs. Hengshan's younger brother yesterday, listening to him chatting with friends. It seems like I'm going to find someone there? Mrs. also donated one million dollars to the medical team, so that the medical team can bring the child."

Yan Mingshun rubbed his temples, who was he looking for there?

It's amazing!

But he also knew that Meimei wouldn't joke about a child's life, and he must have communicated with Qiuqiu, and there should be no problem with safety!

But he is still worried!

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