80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 2558: successful countermeasure

Xue'er rushed out like an arrow from the string, as fast as a white light...

Another white light flew past, faster, and it was Uncle Ball who made Meimei scolded into a flat ball.

"Ah...my eyes..."

"Who bit me under..."

The white light flashed, and the screams sounded again. More than a dozen soldiers covered their eyes and covered their eyes, scratched the bottom, and the blood flowed from the fingers and dripped onto the hot yellow sand.

It's Qiuqiu who digs out the eyes, and Cher who digs out the balls...

The scene fell into chaos again. The soldiers were attacked by a sudden group of snakes and unknown animals, and they lost their fighting spirit. Many people in the Middle East were very superstitious. They thought that they had offended the gods, so the gods sent them. These animals come to punish them!

"How can there be a white wolf... Where did it come from?"

Some soldiers saw Xue Er, her vigorous posture was like a god, awe-inspiring and inviolable. The soldiers were all startled, how could there be white wolves in the desert, and most of the wolves came out in groups, and it was rare to see them acting alone. !

While these people were in a panic, the four of them quickly touched the armored car and eliminated several soldiers on the car, and they were all done.

The armored vehicle started suddenly and drove towards Meimei and the others. The bearded man couldn't see clearly because of the lime powder. He thought it was because his subordinates didn't listen to the command, and he cursed in anger.

But he soon realized that something was wrong, his face changed greatly, he fired several shots in a row, and chased after him with soldiers.

"Don't come here... or you will be shot to death!"

The gun muzzle on the armored vehicle moved in the direction, facing the group of lonely militants. They were so frightened that they stopped quickly and did not dare to move.

"Throw away the weapon, put your head in your hands and squat over there!" The two foreigners who were manipulating the mortar were in high spirits and high spirits.

The militants obeyed obediently, threw the guns in their hands to one side, and walked to the other side to squat, just like Meimei and the others before, the retribution came really fast!

"We are Nasser's subordinates, you can't take the car with you!" The bearded man reported his identity, and the expressions of his subordinates and foreigners changed drastically.

Of course they knew Nasser's prestige. Although he only ascended to power last year, he has already become famous. He is a seriously dangerous terrorist. It is said that last year he was dissatisfied with his subjugation and killed the elder brother who had nurtured him and ascended the throne himself.

This guy is cold-blooded, cruel and crazy, and it's really not easy to mess with, but now it's messed up...

"We are the medical team~www.readwn.com~ If this car is useless, we will return it to you, but it will take a while!" The subordinate quickly made a decision and waved at the driver on the side of Chong Meimei. Let him drive first.

Meimei took the two children into the car, and everyone in the car breathed a sigh of relief. The joy of the rest of their lives made them shed hot tears, but Fujita-kun has been in a coma, his face is pale, and the situation is very bad.

"Operation must be done as soon as possible!" The captain gave Fujita-kun first aid treatment, but it was still very dangerous, and his expression was very solemn.

"I can let Fujita-kun hold out for an extra hour, but only one hour."

Meimei took the pill out of her arms and stuffed it into Fujita-kun's mouth, as a reward for taking care of him all the way, and this man of noble character is indeed worth saving, regardless of nationality and ethnicity.

The people in the car were all skilled doctors. It was obvious that Fujita-kun was in much better condition after taking the pills. Hidden masters in general!

"Miss Riko hasn't come back yet..." Someone reminded weakly. 2k reading net

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