80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 26: 1 more count

Yan Mingshun looked at Wu Mei, who was very different from usual, in surprise. He was much more courageous, and he dared to resist!

It's just that the brain is not smart enough, so what's the use of scratching it a few times?

Beating a snake and hitting seven inches, if you can't hit it with one hit, you can only wait, slowly build up your strength, and deliver a thunderous blow. Wu Mei is too impatient. She will only anger Wu Zhengsi and his wife, and her impression of her will also be bad. It will be worse, and there will be no good fruit to eat in the future.

"Mingda, go home."

Yan Mingshun and Wu Zhengsi said their goodbyes, and the others gradually dispersed. From time to time, they would look back at Wu Mei, which has changed a lot. The school's famous ugly monster is actually a beautiful little loli. It's really big news!

Moreover, there are the hidden gangs of the Wu family sisters. Everyone is not a fool. Although He Biyun explained it, it is certain that there is a discord between Wu Yue and Wu Mei.

Thanks to this Wu Yue always pretending to be a sister, it seems that the eldest daughter of the Wu family is not simple.

He Biyun felt the inquiring eyes of those people, and felt a great loss of face, and his heart was full of fire. He grabbed Wu Mei's arm and dragged it forward, and roared, "Don't hurry up!"

"Oh, Mom, be gentle, you dragged me and hurt me."

Wu Mei cried out in pain, half real pain, half acting. She used to be too tolerant. She kept all the pain and pain in her heart and didn't say it. Others didn't know it at all, and they thought she didn't feel any pain at all. bitter.

From now on, she can't bear it any longer. She can't bear a little bit of pain or pain. Anyway, it's just a matter of talking. As for Wu Zhengsi Gao, she doesn't care if she's not happy. The behavior stimulated her again, she just wanted everyone to see He Biyun's true colors.

Yan Mingshun was attracted by the girl's soft voice and couldn't help but turn his head, only to see the girl hunched over with a very painful expression, tears in her eyes, and she looked so pitiful.

And there are still injuries?

How did the injury come about?

Could it be that you were beaten just now after returning home?

If someone approached, they would find that He Biyun's face could already be described as ferocious. Wumei's repeated resistance made He Biyun just want to beat this dead girl again with a feather duster.

"Wu Mei, calm down for me, hurry up!" He Biyun lowered her voice.

Wu Zhengsi was very displeased and said in a low voice, "Mei Mei, I'll go home if I have something to do. I'm outside now."

With her head lowered, Wu Mei's lips twitched, and a calculation flashed in her eyes. She only wanted to say it when she was outside. She said it at home for nothing!

"Dad, Mom, she pinched me again. It hurts so much. I can't walk. Can you take me to Grandma Yang's place for medicine? Dad, I beg you!" On the ground, he burst into tears.

Wu Mei found that after her rebirth, her lacrimal glands seemed to be particularly developed. As long as she wanted to cry, the tears would flow like a faucet. If she wanted to stop crying, the valve would be closed immediately.

"Biyun, are all the words I said to you on deaf ears?" Wu Zhengsi has a big head like an ox, and is generally very dissatisfied with his wife's ignorance.

If you have to beat a child outside to vent your anger, it's like making a fool of yourself!

"I... I didn't pinch her, Lao Wu, I really didn't pinch her!" He Biyun tried hard to defend.

Wu Yue was also panicked. She knew what the consequences of Wu Mei's troubles would be. Wu Zhengsi loved face the most. He would definitely be very, very angry, and he would definitely be angry with his mother. He hurried over to help Wu Mei, trying to coax her. Get up and talk.

"Raise your eyebrows quickly. Grandpa won't be happy if you're late."

"I hurt so much, Dad, my whole body hurts." Wu Mei ignored her and cried regardless, just like a child begging for candy.

Yan Mingshun looked amused, this little girl actually started to be a rogue, and she didn't know why she was going to his house all the time.

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